140+ Best Ice Breaker Questions for Any Event (Networking, Meetings, More) [2020]
An icebreaker or “ice breaker” question is a thought-provoking question or “prompt” to encourage conversation. These questions are intended to be used in common social interactions between two or more people. They’re great to use when one person is trying to encourage a fun, light-hearted conversation and needs to lighten the mood in order to encourage real bonding.
Consider an icebreaker question a type of conversation starter. It encourages “small talk” in hopes of leading to a conversation with more depth.
General Ice Breaker Questions
These general icebreaker questions are a good way for young adults to break the awkward silence.
- How’s your day today?
- How’s your week?
- How’s your month?
- What’s your favorite sport?
- What’s your favorite TV Show?
- What’s your favorite song?
- What’s your favorite musician or band?
- What’s your favorite movie?
- What’s your favorite era?
- What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What’s your least favorite food?
- What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
- What’s your dream job?
- What’s your favorite place in the world?
- What’s your favorite book?
- What’s your least favorite book?
- What’s your favorite sports hero?
- What’s your favorite athlete?
- What do you do on the weekends?
- What do you do on Sundays?
- What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday night?
- What’s one fond memory of your father?
- What’s one fond memory of your mother?
- What’s your favorite thing to talk about?
- What’s something that always confuses you?
- What’s your favorite hobby?
- What’s your favorite interest?
- What’s your favorite superhero?
- What’s your favorite excuse to use?
Video Chat (Virtual Meeting) Ice Breaker Questions
These video chat or virtual ice breaker questions are great for those who are employed with a remote team who performs remote work (the act of teleconferencing into work). Great for those who manage a virtual team.
- What’s on your desk right now?
- What’s the funniest thing on your desk?
- What’s the weirdest thing on your desk?
- What’s one nice thing about each person on this video call?
- What’s your favorite word?
- What’s your favorite thing about our video calls?
- What’s your least favorite thing about our video calls?
- What’s your least favorite famous person?
- If you could be one famous person, who would it be?
- If you could have lunch with one president, who would it be?
- Do you brush your hair or your teeth before you wake up in the morning?
Funny Ice Breaker Questions
These funny ice breaker questions are intended to be lighthearted and spark light amounts of joy. Good for use in a job interview or social setting with acquaintances.
- What’s the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- What’s your cell phone background?
- What’s the weirdest phone number you have on your phone?
- What’s the best story of when you were a kid?
- What’s the best story you have of getting hurt as a kid?
- What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s the craziest dare you’ve ever taken?
- What’s the grossest food you’ve ever eaten?
- What’s your favorite clothing as a kid?
- What was your first CD?
- What’s the word job you’ve ever had?
- What’s your best high school moment?
- Who was your first crush?
- Who’s your favorite Hollywood crush?
- What’s one movie you’re embarrassed to like?
- What’s the best pickup line that’s worked for you?
Deep Ice Breaker Questions
Use a deep question to spark a meaningful conversation.
- What’s the first time you started to believe in god?
- When has something special happened to you?
- When have you felt like there was a higher power in this world?
- Do you believe in angels?
- Do you believe in heaven?
- Do you believe in hell?
- How do you think our planet got created?
- What do you think of the “big bang theory”?
- What do you think of the “god particle”?
- Who is the most meaningful to you in your life?
- Who was most special to you, your mom or your dad?
- What’s the most random question you’ve ever been asked?
- What is love to you?
- Do you believe love is real?
- Do you believe in soulmates?
- Do you believe in the butterfly effect?
- Do you believe in chaos theory?
- Which theosophical categories matter most to you?
- If you could take credit for any historical invention, what would it be?
- If you could take credit for any historical event, what would it be?
- If you could take credit for any song, what would it be?
- Do you believe in zodiac signs?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- What did your Elementary School teachers say about you?
- What’s the last time you felt like you were “in trouble”?
Fun Ice Breaker Questions
A fun ice breaker may sometimes encourage an ice breaker activity.
- If you didn’t brush your teeth this morning, pat your head.
- How many times have you forgotten to brush your teeth?
- If you had a crush on Ashton Kutcher as a teen, pat your head.
- If you had an embarrassing crush as a teen, pat your head.
- What’s your favorite piece of advice you’ve ever received?
- Are you a good dancer? Show us your best moves.
- Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?
- If you had to teach a class about one thing, what would it be?
- What sport would you compete in during the Olympics?
- What’s your favorite time of day?
- Choose one, teleportation or flying?
- What’s your favorite scary story?
- If you had one extra hour in the day, what would you do with it?
- What’s your favorite emoji?
- If you could stop any fashion trend, what would it be?
- If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
Ice Breaker Questions for Meetings
These questions are great for conferences, meetings at work, and more.
- What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you on a family vacation?
- What’s the one song you’re most embarrassed about liking?
- What was your first car?
- What Disney character would you be if you had to pick?
- What’s your craziest roommate story?
- What’s the worst fashion trend you ever tried?
- What’s the most trouble you ever got into as a child?
- What’s the strangest family tradition you have?
- What’s the most embarrassing moment from your teen years?
- What’s one hobby you would like to spend more time with?
Ice Breaker Questions for a Networking Event
These questions are great ways to meet new people as networking event attendees.
- What do you do for work?
- Where do you live?
- Where have you lived?
- How many jobs have you had?
- What’s the best employer or job you’ve ever had?
- What’s a cool new iPhone application you’ve been using?
- What new piece of technology have you been enjoying?
- Who inspires you the most with your work?
- Who do you aspire to be like at work?
- What’s your manager, supervisor, or boss like?
- If you could go back in time, where would you go?
- What would your historical nickname be?
- If you could change your last name to anything, what would it be?
- What do you feel most excited about right now?
- If you were a refrigerator, what would you hate having in the fridge?
Ice Breaker Questions for Team Building
These questions are great for teams looking to build rapport. A manager may schedule an ice breaker session or initial meeting for teams to ask these questions, have fun, and build team rapport.
- What’s your favorite thing about our team?
- What’s one favorite thing about each of your teammates?
- What’s one thing your teammate did recently that you appreciated?
- What’s one thing you aspire to do for your team?
- What’s one thing you feel you can best bring to the table for the team?
- What’s one thing you feel you can best bring to the table for the company?
- Tell us two truths and a lie, and let us guess which one is the lie.
- What’s one piece of software that most inspires you?
- What’s one piece of technology that most inspires you?
- Which motivational leader inspires you the most?
- If you had to tell the team to watch one inspiring movie, what would it be?
- If you had to tell the team to read one inspiring book, what would it be?
- What’s one word to describe our team?
- What’s one funny word to describe yourself?
- Describe yourself in two words.
- Who is the funniest person on our team?
- What’s one food you wish you could share with our team?
- What’s one childhood story and memory you want to share with the team?
- What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
- What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve been given?
- What’s a fun question you asked your colleague on your first day?
- What’s a great question we should all be asking about our daily work?