How Modern Dating Confuses Each Zodiac Sign
PISCES: You don't understand why you're supposed to act like you're the one who cares less. You care deeply and you want to show it.
You don’t understand why you’re supposed to play it cool and come across as mysterious. You would rather be blunt and chase after what you want.
You don’t understand why almosts are so popular. You would never lead someone else on. You’re either going to date them or you’re not.
You don’t understand why so many conversations occur over text. You would rather talk face-to-face with someone so you can really get to know each other.
You don’t understand why casual relationships are so popular when all you want is to settle down with your soulmate and start a family.
You don’t understand why people are so obsessed with timelines. You’re going to live your life your way and you don’t care what others have to say about it.
You don’t understand why people ghost. When you have a problem with someone, you confront them about it. You find it rude for others to slip out of your life without a word.
You don’t understand why people play mind games. You don’t want to interpret mixed signals. You want other people to tell you the truth about how they feel.
You don’t understand why couples break up so easily. When you care about someone, you fight for them. You don’t walk away without putting in effort.
You don’t understand why people post so much about their relationships on social media. You would rather keep your relationship private.
You don’t understand why cheating has become so popular. Once you commit to someone, you’re serious about them. You aren’t going to stray.
You don’t understand why so many hearts are temporary. You don’t want a fling. You don’t want a short-term relationship. You want someone permanent.
You don’t understand why you’re supposed to act like you’re the one who cares less. You care deeply and you want to show it.