35 Calming, Encouraging Facts That Will Give You Hope When You're Feeling Low
Long Truong

35 Calming, Encouraging Facts That Will Give You Hope When You’re Feeling Low

Swedish blood donors receive a text whenever their blood is used to help someone.


These facts from Ask Reddit will help you sleep soundly tonight.

1. Pillow fighting is a real, recognized sport in Canada. It was founded in Toronto in 2004 by the Pillow Fighting League.

2. Stan Lee started creating the Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc at around 40, so even if you think that you can’t get anything out of life, you still can push yourself creatively and leave a lasting impact on the world at an older age.

3. Swedish blood donors receive a text whenever their blood is used to help someone.

4. Jupiter gravitational mass is so immense modern science believe it’s been protecting us from meteors for millions of years.

5. Given all the atoms in the universe are recycled in various ways (having formed in the first stars), our entire body has already experienced billions of years of each atoms own personal history. Even more comforting, it’s plausible those atoms will eventually become part of someone else in the future and will continue to exist in various forms – transforming continuously – until the end of time itself. So in a way, we’re connected to something absolutely eternal and our ultimate fate is to be spread across the stars. Hell, depending how deep you want to get, there’s also a tiny, tiny chance that your pattern of DNA will form entirely by chance again, creating someone that is biologically you but with a whole new memory, experiences and history. Basically, everyone and everything is connected. The best part? None of this is based on religion or wishful thinking, it’s actual established and current scientific fact.

6. Bees take naps in flowers! So yeah, it’s okay to need a nap, even busy bees do.

7. A group of pugs is called a grumble.

8. Your body is home to its own unique ecosystem, the human gut. Sounds gross, but billions of little creatures living inside you are helping you digest things, dispose of waste, and survive natural toxins in the food you consume.

If you ever feel like you’re useless, or that your existence means nothing, that’s not true. You literally mean the world to your gut flora.

9. Crows and ravens love to play in snow. One of their favorite activities is rolling hills.

10. Once an unborn child starts develops hearing, they’re able to hear their mother’s heartbeat.

11. When riding a horse and you want it to run, sometimes it doesn’t because it can sense if the rider is scared or not to go faster. If they detect the person is scared they won’t go in order to not frighten the rider.

12. Male Penguins search for the most beautiful rock to give to their fiance as a gift and sign of love.

13. Male dolphins have bros. They help each other find females to mate with. The strength of male friendship even reached the animal kingdom.

14. When you are speaking to someone and you notice their pupils dilating it’s a sign of emotional depth that they can’t hide. THEY FUCKING LOVE YOU!

15. All of the cardigans Mister Rogers wore on camera were knitted by his mother.

16. Almost everything on the internet stays. Meaning hundreds of years in the future we can look back on tweets from old celebrities and world leaders. Just imagine if we had social media 500 years ago, we could just look back history happening.

17. Cats will slow blink at you to give you kisses.

18. Elephants think you’re cute just like humans think dogs and cats are cute.

19. If you make it to the airport without dying, you’ve already passed the deadliest part of plane travel.

20. Cats slightly heal themselves when purring.

21. It is estimated every 10 years, the cells in your body will have been replaced with new ones. Therefore, you get a new body every 10 years making it so you do get a fresh start.

22. The word for ‘penguin’ in Mandarin translates to ‘business goose’.

23. There’s a volunteer organization called ‘No One Dies Alone’. You’re at Sacred Hearts medical center, you’re terminal, you need a companion. From someone to talk to, or just someone to hold our hand. They’ll make sure someone will be there for you. Other hospitals have this too.

24. Otters hold each others hands when they sleep so their mate won’t drift away.

25. Cows have best friends.

26. During the Second World War, a Muslim man owned a mosque in Paris. After France got captured by the Germans, the french Jews were being killed. The Muslim man offered every Jew he could find shelter in his mosque and handed out fake Muslim certificates so they wouldn’t be questioned. He saved over 400 lives. No one us your enemy, except for the ones you make yourself believe are.

27. People see you 20% more attractive than you see yourself.

28. Dogs make cute little sneezing sounds to tell you they are playing and not fighting.

29. Dogs know when you step on them by mistake because you immediately start petting and apologizing. They know it’s a mistake!

30. Liechtenstein once deployed 80 men for protecting the border against Austria. Despite their worries, they saw exactly zero combat.

When they called it a day they returned home – with 81 men. Because an Italian bloke bumped into them and wanted to come live in Liechtenstein.

They literally made a friend on the way.

31. Goldfish can recognize their owners.

32. Cheetahs are very shy animals. So some zoos give them support dogs like those for humans. It’s the cutest thing ever.

33. Scientists have discovered that rats LOVE playing hide and seek and squeal with joy when finding/being found.

34. A penguin was once knighted in Norway.

35. Think of all the worst days of your life. You’ve made it through every single one of them and are still going strong. There’s always another day on the other side. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.