50 Hobbies You Can Master In Two Weeks From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Tarot cards. If you don't have access to a set or a way to get a set, you can do Tarot readings with playing cards as well!


If you’re going to be stuck at home, you might as well learn one of these hobbies from Ask Reddit.

1. Calligraphy. Practicing every day for a fortnight would improve penmanship.

2. What about astronomy? Get a few books and grab your binoculars and go outside for half an hour.

3. Candle making. You can get a decent enough starter kit on Amazon and it should do you until you learn the basics. It’s super addictive and fun! You become obsessed with formulas and whatnot very quickly. Bonus: you can choose how strong they will smell, have unlimited candles for your house to smell incredible, and you could even make a few bucks selling them if you’d like to go down that route.

4. Sewing. If you can’t already effect minor repairs to your own clothes, it’s damn useful.

5. Cross stitch. You can learn in 15-20 minutes and then it’s easy.

6. You can learn the beginnings of sign language in two weeks no problem.

7. Bread making is rewarding, relaxing, and delicious.

8. Origami ranges from super simple to outrageously complex, so it’s a great option, because even if you take to it quickly, you absolutely have more to learn.

9. Gardening. If you don’t have yard space, gardening on a balcony or patio is still feasible. Plenty of herbs love sitting in pots in the sun and cherry tomatoes and peppers do well in such contained environments. There’s tons of creative methods that people have come up with for gardening in tight spaces.

10. Journaling. Much like dreams, your life will become more interesting, and you’ll remember it more, when you start writing it down. Physically, ideally.

11. I was going to say knitting! Very relaxing, and great to do whilst watching TV or listening to an audiobook. There are plenty of tutorials online and it’s not just done by old ladies, I promise!

12. Embroidery! Skeins of floss are pretty cheap and it is very relaxing. Plus if you do a pillowcase you’ll have a rad looking pillowcase when you get done.

13. Making electronic music. As long as you don’t get addicted to buying all the newest plugins.

14. Yoga. It will be good for your body.

15. Card magic/tricks. Like for real just find your old Uno cards from 2007 and start with them, everything is available online. You just might need a new deck for advanced tricks.

16. Binding books is great! More or less easy to learn, you don’t need a lot other than paper, a needle, thread, and glue. Makes for great and personal/actual useful presents.

17. Tarot cards. If you don’t have access to a set or a way to get a set, you can do Tarot readings with playing cards as well!

18. Paper mache. Like any craft, you can get better as you go along. But the basics are simple, and you probably have everything you need at home to begin.

19. Coloring. It’s surprisingly fun and relaxing.

20. Rock painting. Rocks are basically free. Craft paint costs about .80/bottle. Try dot painting mandalas. Lots of examples online.

21. Learning to bead weave. There’s how-tos all over the internet. Since you are just learning and not making great works of art, any old thread will do, a needle, and beads. Either find cheap beads or go to the thrift store and buy used jewelry to salvage for parts.

22. Live streaming? You may not get a big following in 2 weeks but it’s still fun to do.

23. Juggling! It’s really fun, and there’s a ton of great tutorials on YouTube.

24. Skateboarding. You can get a “starter” board for less than $100, it’ll last you awhile until you start thrashing it, keeps you physically occupied a lot, and after 2 weeks, you’ll be pretty confident in riding.

25. Ukelele… not saying you will be pro, but a ukelele, 14 days, and some YouTube tutorials, you’ll be strumming along pretty good.

26. Archery is very cheap once you spend your initial money on a bow and some arrows. Once you have that you’re essentially done unless you want to upgrade your bow. It teaches you to be calm and relaxed and it’s fun.

There are even YouTube videos on how to make your own longbow if you want to save even more.

27. Drawing. Paper, pencil… go draw stuff. Not say you’ll be good just 14 days in but it’s cheap and it’s a start.

28. Running. You need shoes and can easily find deals online all the time. Plus, they last for months.

29. Photography. Grab you phone, maybe your laptop, and make an Instagram account for it. Make sure you’re open to criticism and everything so you can improve.

You can buy a light for maybe ten dollars. And if you don’t want want to buy a light just move some lamps around.

Go onto YouTube and look up photography hacks or something along those lines and you’ll get dozens of videos.

Download Photoshop on your phone, the free kind that gives you the basics. There is also a website called Photopea that I heard was good but I haven’t really done enough testing on there to recommend it except for the fact that I know it’s free.

30. Reading books. Experiment with different genres. Try different authors. One of the most productive and most frugal hobbies out there.

31. Audio editing. It’s funner than it sounds. Audacity is free. Sites like freesound.org have new homemade recordings from users all the time. I’ve spent hours cutting clips together, it’s fun especially when you have a goal sound you are trying to reach, to challenge you.

32. Lockpicking can be pretty neat. Got an old padlock? You’re already halfway there. Next you can either buy a starter set of picks or make some out of the metal insert from old windshield wipers. The downside is that most cheap locks can be opened pretty easily, and you’ll learn to never trust a lock on anything you own. But when you find a lock that beats you for a week, finally getting it to pop open is satisfying beyond words.

Good place to start is just about any Masterlock, then move onto some of the smaller 4-pin Abus models to learn spool pins. American brand locks are usually full of serrated pins, and some of the more expensive locks will sometimes combine different types of pins.

One thing to remember is to never practice on any lock that is being used. There is always potential to damage the lock and either jam it into one position, or make the key no longer function.

33. Programming. Download an IDE for your language of choice and watch some YouTube videos.

34. You can buy a guitar for under $100 and there is a ton of free material online to help you learn to play.

35. Solving a Rubik’s Cube. The beginner’s method doesn’t take that long to learn it took me about 4 days to learn and after that you can try to go faster and beat your times. Then you can get faster cubes and different shapes and varieties and it’s really fun to cube.

36. It’s a little odd to call meditation a ‘hobby’; but it’s free, you can start right now, and it will change your life forever!

Just sit down somewhere and focus on your breathing. Thoughts will come up, oh boy, will they come up, and that’s okay; observe them without judgement. When you notice you’re no longer focusing on your breathing, bring your focus back.

With practice, your mind WILL quiet down eventually and the first time that happens is mind blowing.

37. Lego/blox kits, also model making.

38. Piano, it’s not always expensive and you can learn a decent amount in 2 weeks.

39. How to hula hoop. It’s fun and it’s good for you.

40. Darts and the various games associated with throwing darts. I started playing a few hours a week 2 years ago and now I’m still only playing a few hours a week but I make some decent cash doing it.

41. Learn morse code if you don’t know it.

42. Penspinning. 2 weeks should be enough to learn some basic tricks and those already look very impressive.

43. I’m currently learning shorthand. Very simple to process in the brain, big pain in the arse in practice. But it’s good fun!

44. Learn how to make different rope knots.

45. Learn a language. Ok, maybe you can’t learn a language within 14 days, but you could learn how to count to 10 in every language and see how many you get by the end.

46. Stardew Valley is $15 on iOS and Android. You’ll be addicted to it.

47. 3D printing! It’s not quite “inexpensive,” but starting out is a lot cheaper than most people expect. And within 14 days you can absolutely be printing everyday items like candleholders, coasters, Lenin busts, etc. You can get a Creality Ender 3 for $200-ish. I’ve been using that printer for 6 months or so and it hasn’t let me down!

48. Lucid dreaming. Practice it and once you have done it, you just have to go to sleep to transport to your imaginary world.

49. Chess. Easy to learn, difficult to master.

50. Masturbation. Relieves stress, good cardio, endless smiles and joy and a amazing social distancing tool. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

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