33 Ways To Better Yourself While You’re Trapped At Home Going Stir Crazy  

I started doing yoga. I only did it twice but it's already helping ease the anxiety coming from being locked home for three weeks.


If you want to improve yourself while you’re stuck at home, here are a few ideas from people on Ask Reddit. They’re here to explain how they have been keeping themselves occupied during the quarantine.

1. Reminding the people I care about how much I value them. So far several have responded by telling me how much they needed to hear it.

2. I’ve always wanted to learn how to do fancy braids in my hair. So I’ve committed to doing a French braid every day of the quarantine. I’m getting better already!

3. Getting creative in the kitchen. Also diversifying my booze palate.

4. Very frequent lovemaking. Great for both health and of course my wife is, well…

5. I started doing yoga. I only did it twice but it’s already helping ease the anxiety coming from being locked home for three weeks.

6. Reading all the books I’ve meant to read but never had a chance.

7. Picked up Duolingo and started to learn another language.

8. I’ve been hitting the treadmill like crazy. I think I’m going to do a half marathon late this year.

9. Deep cleaned my whole apartment. It’s so clean, proud of myself.

10. I’m re-teaching myself photography. I used to shoot 15+ years ago, but fell out of it. Taking a masterclass on Udemy and practicing as much as I can with the time I’ve got.

11. Finally writing the movie I’ve always wanted to. I’m more than 60 pages in – it’s just flowing off my fingertips! Pure magic.

12. I started gardening and I’m really enjoying it. So far I’ve dug up 3 old rotten trees, trimmed the overgrown evergreens and now the garden looks twice the size. Tomorrow is to further trim the bases of the trees to give my pupper more space to roam.

13. Learning to play the banjo. It’s like learning to play the guitar but nowhere near as many people play banjo.

14. I take branches off the tree in my yard and make things. Green wood working. I made two mallets, carved a spoon, made coat hooks, and today I am building a “three log bench.”

15. Embroidery. Getting good at doing different styles of stitches and knots.

16. I’m doing a lot of self-reflection and self-acceptance. I’ve begun to define my goals for the future and my own boundaries.

17. I’m learning how to draw! Hands are hard.

18. I’m painting again and I got one of those “diamond paintings” which has been frustratingly time consuming but maybe that’s what I need right now.

19. I’m going to try origami.

20. I’m crocheting a blanket! I’m getting better at it with every granny square I make.

21. Sticking to my face cleansing routine every morning and night.

22. I’ve been learning to sew. Specifically, I’ve been learning to sew face masks.

23. I set a goal to go to bed earlier, which has been pretty hard to do. Making bits of progress every day though!

24. I bought the equipment to learn to DJ, and am watching youtube tutorials and practicing a couple hours a day. After being a huge fan of house music for years, I’d wanted to learn. Unfortunately as a PhD student, I worked 60-80 hours a week and didn’t have time.

25. Watching a lot of “classic” movies.

26. I ride my bike more while I have the chance. I have zero contact within 6 ft for the rides and it’s been fun.

27. Drinking more water instead of pop!

28. Honestly, I’m getting sober. Only 3 days right now… but for me 3 days clean and sober is a huge step.

29. Walking my dog for an hour+ each day.

30. Homeschooling my kids, makes me feel pretty good about myself.

31. Educational courses when not playing video games keeps me feeling useful and I might stand a chance of getting a job when all this is over.

32. I just started doing 100 squats a day yesterday. Let’s see if I can keep it up for 2 weeks.

33. Nothing. I’m taking this opportunity to not feel like I have to be constantly improving – my grades, appearance, brain, whatever. I’m doing the bare minimum at home because I spend most of my life stressing about how I can better myself. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.