30 Perfect Replies For When Your Asshole Ex Sends An ‘I Miss You’ Text

I miss your Netflix password.


Don’t get back together with your toxic ex. Send him one of these messages from Ask Reddit instead.

1. Get used to that feeling.

2. Yeah, I get that, I’m amazing.

3 Well… I’m just going to leave that one on read.

4. New phone, who dis?

5. Same phone, who dis?

6. I miss your Netflix password.

7. *reply with the ghost emoji*

8. The Verizon subscriber you are trying to reach is not available.

9. You miss the idea of me.

10. Are you drunk?

11. How can I miss you if you don’t go away?

12. Sucks to be you.

13. If I were you, I’d miss me too…

14. And I remember you.

15. I don’t blame you!

16. You’ll get over it.

17. I am Groot.

18. I miss the Cheetos that turned your mouth colors…

19 Wish I could say the same.

20. Absence makes the heart grow fungus.

21. It hasn’t even been that long.

22. Noted.

23. I miss you too, but my aim is getting better.

24. You will hear from my lawyer.

25. Yes, I get that a lot.

26. You are absent. I noticed.

27. At least that makes one of us.

28. Why?

29. Don’t waste your time on me you’re already the voice inside my head.

30. I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to tell you other than I wish you didn’t feel that way. Thought Catalog Logo Mark