6 Different Types Of Goal Setting That Will Skyrocket Your Chances Of Success

6 Different Types Of Goal Setting That Will Skyrocket Your Chances Of Success

Reading through these different types of goal setting should motivate you to make a change in your behavior.

Your first step to goal setting is to figure out what you want. Once you have a list of goals, then you have to put a system in place in order to achieve those goals. You cannot expect to see results overnight which is why you should break apart your goals into short-term goals, long-term goals, and lifetime goals.

For instance, if you are single at the moment, your lifetime goal might involve being happily married with multiple children. Your long-term goal might be to find a serious, committed partner. Your short-term goal might be to sign up for dating sites, get more practice flirting, and put yourself into more social situations where you have the potential to meet people.

Once you have broken apart your biggest goals into more manageable tasks, you can start working toward completing them.

You have a much higher chance of reaching success if your goals are specific and time-bound, which means you should not vaguely promise yourself you will join dating apps to look for love. You should put a time limit on your goals — not on your big, long-term ones, but on your smallshort-term ones.

Here are a few types of goal setting you should think about tackling — and a few ideas on how to get started:

1. Financial Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Pay off student loans. Save enough money for a new car, apartment, or house. Retire. Feel financially comfortable.

Ideas for short-term goals: Create a budget for yourself. Put ten percent of your next paycheck into savings. Keep a change jar. Bring lunch to work instead of spending money at restaurants and fast food joints.

2. Personal Development Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Love yourself. Respect yourself. Learn patience. Train yourself to stop expecting the worst case scenario to happen.

Ideas for short-term goals: Smile at your reflection. Say one positive thing about yourself into the mirror each morning. Practice deep breathing. Search online for therapists who take your insurance.

3. Health Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Lose weight. Get six-pack abs. Run a marathon. Live a long life.

Ideas for short-term goals: Throw out any unhealthy snacks in your cabinets. Replace them with healthy snacks. Purchase a gym membership. Take your dog for a walk.

4. Experiential Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Travel the world. See the Grand Canyon. Kiss the Blarney Stone. Visit Disney World.

Ideas for short-term goals: Sign up for a class to learn another language. Research affordable vacation spots. Create a Pinterest board with places you want to visit. Request time off from work so you can start planning a vacation.

5. Career Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Earn a degree. Get a promotion. Receive a raise. Make six figures.

Ideas for short-term goals: Update your resume. Send out applications. Network with others in your field. Request a meeting with your boss to discuss your pay.

6. Relationship Goals

Ideas for long-term goals: Find your soulmate. Move in together. Get married. Have children.

Ideas for short-term goals: Join a dating app. Start conversations with strangers at the grocery store and Starbucks. Send the first text. Ask someone on a date.

If you want to achieve your goals, you have to take small stepping stones toward them every single day. Do not wait until tomorrow to get started. Get started today. Get started right now. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.