33 Spooky Supernatural Stories (That Are Completely True)
Alex Iby

33 Spooky Supernatural Stories (That Are Completely True)

When I was around 10 we had an old piano in the basement. At night, I would hear the most beautiful music being played on it.


These supernatural stories from Ask Reddit only have supernatural explanations.

1. I did not see it but I would hear it and smell it. The first place I worked at as a nurse was haunted. In the middle of the night when everyone was in bed, the sound of a wheeled walker would go past the nursing station. There was occasionally a smell like unwashed hair that would occur in a corner of the nursing station. It did not smell like anyone there, and it was the same smell every time.

I went walking in a cemetery once in the middle of winter and smelled sweet spring flowers like narcissus floating in front of me. I got back to the car and heard skittering in the leaves. There was no wind. I turned around and three leaves were chasing themselves in a tiny vortex. I asked who they were, and the leaves fell to ground.

2. Back in 1999 I was staying in a friend’s house for the night with a few other girls, we were standing by her bedroom window smoking, must have been around 11pm, across the road we saw two lads we had been in school with walking towards town (my friend lived in a house about a mile and a half from town). We banged on the window and shouted but they didn’t look and carried on walking towards town. The next day, we found out that the two lads we had seen had been killed in a car crash on the night we saw them, way before 11pm. They had been playing pool in the village pub and decided to drive into town for a drink and another car smashed into them head on, about half a mile before my friend’s house.

3. My aunt’s Yorkshire Terrier was put to sleep at 13 years old because she was riddled with cancer. I was at her house about six months later, and we were all hanging out on the back porch one night, just chatting and enjoying the evening. No one was drinking or anything.

I went inside to use the bathroom, and as I walked out, I tripped over something furry. As I went down, I saw a distinctly Yorkie shaped shadow on the wall.

It didn’t scare me so much as it surprised me, because I had no room to second guess myself on this. I know what I felt on my bare feet and I know what I saw silhouetted on the wall.

4. I swear there were ghosts following me for a few years. In college I started to notice that when I was alone, I’d hear little shifting sounds. Just the sound of something moving slightly. Little things would fall off a shelf, but nothing that would break. It happened at work when I was alone, in my house especially when alone, just anywhere really. I start to think now that something is there… However I wasn’t that scared because I thought if this was actually a violent ghost they’d be breaking stuff. So I just out loud one day say “You know, you can hang out with me if you want but you don’t need to make all the noise”

Then, it stopped. I never heard the sounds for months. Then it started again. I told my roommate and she was creeped out. Her friend came to stay one night, and my roommate did not mention anything about my story. Next day her friend says she woke up in the middle of the night and swore she saw two Victorian era looking boys taking their coats on and off.

So we figure this must be the ghosts. So I say again “Please stop making this noise. You can be around me and play with me, I’ll be your friend.”

The noises stopped and I didn’t really notice it again.

5. Not something I saw, but when I was around 10 we had an old piano in the basement. At night, I would hear the most beautiful music being played on it.

I’m not much of a believer in the supernatural, but I’ve never been able to come up with an explanation. I’m the only one in my family with any sort of musical talent (and not much, at that) and this piano was incredibly out of tune and missing a couple strings.

6. Had a coworker I got along great with. We were good friends in the first two months of what was going to be a great broship. He was always punctual so when he failed to show up for work and answer his texts I had a feeling something was wrong. That day I just happened to work till 11pm.

I had to stay late to finish his work before I could get off. I’ve lived in Michigan and grew up in the country so when I’m walking at night I keep my hood on, no music and I walk home as fast as I can. It was a quiet night, so dark I only saw the smallest twinkle of stars in the sky. I get a creepy feeling I’m being followed but see nothing at all. I resolve to stay alert as I hit the halfway mark to home. On the way home at night the last strech has no streetlights. Once I pass the last street light then I hear it. Click. Click. Clickclick. It sounds like a bike. When I turn my head I see it. “It” was something that looked like a girl around my height with her black dog besides her. She had a white shirt with a skirt on. But it didn’t make any sense why she wasn’t going to ride her bike home.

Click. Click. Clickclickclick. I knew what the black dog meant then and sped up. The girl had no face as I casually glanced back. Click click, went the bike as she walked with the dog. I didn’t run but instead picked up my walking pace casually as if I was almost home. I didn’t look back again and the clicking stopped as I slipped into my apartment area.

Found out the next day my coworker passed away the day he didn’t come in. I’ve taken the same route home several times in the year since my coworker died but not once have I heard the click click of a bike, a faceless woman in white, or seen a black dog.

7. I didn’t believe in ghosts. I’m still very skeptical of the idea of ghosts. The idea we exist after death seems way too optimistic to be true. That being said, I had a very strange experience.

I was in college in Chicago and my friends and I found a weird apartment. The space had been a bar that predates prohibition that was loosely converted into a loft. And when I say loosely, I mean there were dividing walls that didn’t go to the ceiling to separate the rooms and there was a shower and they took the bar itself out, but other than that very little work had been done on the place.

There was a creepy as fuck basement. In the basement, there was a turn of the century beer cooling ice vault. It was a big heavy room all lined with wood with a big heavy door and suspicious hooks and hoses dangling from the ceiling.

Now, my room had a closet under the stairs to go up to the apartments on the higher floor. There was a door to the closet, which was under the taller part of the stairs. Then, there was another door inside the first door into the small space under the lower stairs. Behind THAT door, there was a trap door set into the floor that was nailed shut. All three doors had locks on the outsides of the doors.

Curious as to where the trap door went, I looked around in the creepy basement, only to find the trapdoor in my room led to a space in the basement that was completely walled off, like a room with no door.

One day, I was sewing in my room, and the closet doors kept popping open on their own. We used to joke there was a ghost because of the creepy basement. I thought the ghost was just a joke and my closet door kept popping open because of a draft or something. I kept shutting it, it kept popping open. Eventually I got pissed because every time the door popped open it would hit my chair and disrupt my sewing. I actually latched the door shut. I sit back down. And right before my eyes I see the latch pop open for no fucking reason and the doors swung open with force and smacked my chair really hard.

Pissed, I stood up and said “FUCK OFF YOU STUPID GHOST I AM TRYING TO GET WORK DONE!” And the doors swung shut on their own and then I saw the latch dropped back into place on its own, and the doors never popped open on their own again after that.

I feel a little bad. Sorry I yelled at you, spooky ghost. I thought I was just fucking around but if ghosts exist I yelled at you way too harshly over some chair bumping.

8. About a year or so ago, my dog and I had an encounter with what is referred to as a “stickman”.

It was a bit after 4am and I was wrapping up some late night work from home. My piece was done, but there was another team that needed to run through a battery of tests. While waiting on them, I decided to duck out for 15 minutes to catch a smoke and get my dog out.

When we got downstairs and outside, I let me dog off leash so she go find her perfect spot to pee and poop (seriously, it takes her forever to pick a spot) while I lit up my cigarette and kept an eye on her. A few minutes pass and my dog starts narrowing in on a spot to crap. Being the responsible dog owner I am, I start walking her way with poop bag in hand ready to pick up whatever foul present she had decided to gift the lawn with. However, just as she about to hunch over and squeeze one out, she went ridged and started growling at the tree about 10 feet in front of her.

I kept walking towards her, but looked over towards the tree. With no street lights and it being the dead of night, I couldn’t make anything out nor could I hear anything. However, my dog was convinced something was over there. So, to get her to chill the fuck out before she started barking and woke everyone up, I started walking towards the tree in an attempt to show her nothing was wrong. I think I got within 5 or 6 feet of the tree before it stepped out from behind it and in front of me. It was tall. Really tall! I actually had to look up to see it’s head. Being 6’7″ myself, that doesn’t happen to me all that often. Beyond the tallness, it was skinny. Like too skinny to host organs skinny. It was all black too with no real discernible features including the face. I just stood there for a second and so did it. Then it turned around and ran from us in the weirdest fashion. Almost like it was floating but still moving its legs. No sound either.

I watched it as it effortlessly covered 50 or so yards and jumped a six foot fence in a matter of seconds. Then it was gone. Weirdest shit I have ever seen.

9. When I was ~8 I was outside my school in the car rider pick up line waiting for my parents. We were all sitting in the front courtyard area and being a bit of a loner I was sting there listening to the kids around me talk and play. Across the street was a huge beautiful old oak tree with a massive plume of leave that were turning colors of orange and red as fall was coming. I was watching the leaves sway in the wind and listening to rising and falling rustle produced. At some point I think I went into a trance watching the leaves and listening to the wind as everything seemed to fade away except for the tree and wind.

It was then I started hearing voice. It seemed to come from the sound of leaves rustling but was also separate from them. It was a whisper that seemed to come from a distance. That may sound cliche but that’s the only way I can describe it.

It simply said, “A big one is coming.”

A bit startled and confused I said I didn’t understand. It repeated itself. I said I didn’t know what it meant and it replied, “You will see”. And that was the end of it. Everything seemed to come back into focus. I told my parents who were spiritual and they were a bit concerned but not alarmed. There had been stories of people in our family who had odd things happen to them. My dad even had a few stories of his own.

A week later I was at my cousins house at dusk playing with them on the trampoline. I was laying on the trampoline resting after playing for the last few hours while my 2 cousins were sitting on the edge talking. The wind started as a light breeze but then picked up to a steady gust. It happened again. This time it said, “It’s coming. It’s coming and they don’t know.” I asked who they were and what it was. It replied back, “Too late, it’s here.” That was the end.

About 10 minutes later the back door swung open to my uncles trailer and my aunt started yelling for us to come in. On the news they were reporting about a tornado that had quickly spawned above a town about 30 minutes north of us. It killed over a dozen people because it spawned so quickly that there was no warning.

I’ve never had that happen again and I’m not sure I’d want it to.

10. I was in my grandparent’s kitchen with my cousin, talking about all the important things that 9-year-olds have to discuss. We were both seated in swivel chairs perpendicular to a hallway, which ended with a door on the left (to the cellar) and a door on the right (to the bathroom). Suddenly I see a white cat waltz across the hall from out of the cellar and into the bathroom.

My cousin spins back around and stares at me, mouth open and eyes wide. She asks if I just saw the cat walk by and I nod. The two of us get up and walk cautiously to the end of the hallway. The cellar door was closed and latched, and the bathroom was completely empty. I still have no idea what we saw, but it was creepy that we’d both seen the same thing.

11. My cousin committed suicide when he was 23. Entire family was devastated.

My other cousin (his sister) was his favorite person in the world. About 2 hours after his body had been found, my cousin (who I was with at the time) got a call from his number it was nothing but silence and occasional white noise.

After keeping the call going for roughly for 5 minutes, I told her to just hang up. A few minutes after hanging up and she gets a text from his number saying something along the lines of “I’m sorry. I love you. I hope you can forgive me.”

What freaked us out was that the cops still had his phone in evidence and this was back before scheduled texting was a thing. Either a sick prank by some cops or something else…

12. I’ve had a lot of creepy experiences, but I think this is the only one that isn’t a “typical ghost story”

I was about 13 at the time, home alone, and it was pretty late at night. My family left for something while I was asleep a few hours earlier so I was just doing some chores while waiting for them to come home. For reference, my back door has a pretty large window on it and its raised above the ground because it leads to our back deck/porch, so you can get a pretty good view of the backyard just from inside. Our lights were on but they don’t illuminate much of the yard, so after about 15-20 feet the rest of the yard is either dimly lit or pitch black.

I was doing some laundry and glance out the window where I see what looks like a large tan figure on the ground. At the time we had a boxer who was pretty large for her breed, so I thought nothing of it and just assumed she was let out earlier and I forgot to let her back in. I walk out onto the deck and start calling for her to come inside

I hear her claws clicking on the floor from inside the house behind me and whatever the hell is in the yard starts to stand up. It stretches out what I guess would be one of its front legs/arms and this limb is long. Like no way it could be human or a dog long. It had to be at least three or four feet long. Its body is super skinny and it starts raising its head which is too small compared to how large it’s limbs and body are. It starts turning my way but I book it back into the house as fast as a I can and lock every lock on the door. I couldn’t see many features because it was in a darker part of the yard, but I know whatever the hell it was was inhuman. I could hear the grass and leaves rustling so I know something was out there and I don’t think it was a hallucination.

13. The first one I remember was back in August of 2016. I was on my patio smoking a cigarette in the dead of night. It had to be around 4 am. There was no noise (sirens/TV/radio, etc.) in the background. Out of nowhere, I heard someone (something?) whisper in my ear “Annie”. I jumped and looked around. There was no one outside at all. I ran back inside and hid in my room.

Second one was around that time. In my bedroom, I had a dresser with a mirror attached to it. The dresser faced my bed so I could see the mirror while I was laying down. One night, I was about to go to sleep when out the corner of my eye, I saw a figure of a man walk past my mirror. The first time I saw it, I passed it off as sleep deprivation, but then it started to happen almost every night. After a few nights of seeing the figure walk past my mirror, I calmly said “I have no ill will against you. If you promise not to harm me, you can stay,” which sounds funny if you think about it, but the figure never harmed me. I saw spirit orbs (it was not dust as I could see a bright light moving around) around my apartment all the time and never once felt fear.

More recently, when I was at the ER, my at the time boyfriend had dropped me off because he had to go to work. While I was in the room, I fell asleep on my stomach. I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up to someone shoving my back. It was a hard shove, too. I looked around thinking it was my boyfriend waking me up. There was no one in the room. I put my head back down and felt another shove. I shot up and stayed awake for the rest of the hospital visit. Definitely freaked me out.

Lastly, I have a spirit (possibly same one from my apartment) in my home now. I still hear my name being called occasionally when I’m home alone. I see a single orb all the time (mainly at night) and an occasional shadow if the lights are on.

14. I was staying in a friend’s house in a city that’s known for having a lot of old haunted houses. She’s an atheist, a doctor, very smart and very skeptical lady, so when she straight-up told me, “I’d love to have you come visit, but fair warning, my house is haunted,” I was like “…?” but I’ve known her since I was literally in the womb (we’re almost exactly the same age and our moms are close friends and used to hang out together constantl, as did we) so if she said it, I believed her.

She reported a number of incidents to me that I didn’t personally witness, like furniture moving by itself in a locked room, shit getting violently knocked over and thrown around, her dogs refusing to go in the basement, even seeing a semi-transparent human figure when she pulled into her driveway one night.

For perspective, it’s a pretty small house, and not very soundproof, so it’s easy to know where someone is. You generally enter through the side door, and that opens into a long hallway. Basement door on the left, bedroom door on the left, kitchen on the left, living room and dining room to the right, bathroom towards the other end of the house. The dining room was separated from the living room by a wall, and had been the source of most of the stuff she told me about.

So the first night I’m there, everything’s cool, we say goodnight, she goes into her room with her dogs and shuts the bedroom door. I’m getting ready for bed in the living room. All of a sudden I hear the side door open and SLAM shut. I jump like a foot in the air, but it’s also a crappy storm door, so whatever, maybe there’s just a stiff breeze.

Then the fucking footsteps start. I’m sitting perfectly still on the couch. My friend is a tiny lady (like maybe 100 pounds). Her dogs are medium sized (30-40). And I start hearing these HUGE, booming footsteps, like an enormous person wearing really heavy boots is walking slowly down the hall. For perspective, at the time I was in a relationship with someone who weighed about 350lbs and wore steel-toed boots most of the time, and even he didn’t make that much noise. But they sound exactly like footsteps, and they are definitely coming down the hallway.

They finally reach the entrance to the living room, which was almost directly across from the bedroom door. The noise keeps happening, but it stays almost in one place, and I get the distinct sensation that whatever it was, is turning around to look at the closed bedroom door. At that point, I finally look up, and there’s a huge shadow in the middle of the hall, takes up the whole width of it and falls over the bedroom door. I don’t know how to describe it at all, but it really felt like I was looking at the back of some shadowy but very solid creature.

I am not a religious or spiritual person, generally, but I basically play one on TV — I’m from the rural South, and I have OCD (which makes me very superstitious, for lack of a better term, particularly fixating on the idea that something I do or don’t do will cause harm to people I love). I don’t want to go into too much about this because that’s not the point of the story, but on pure instinct, I did some ‘good luck’ stuff, and I remember not being able to look up from the coffee table, feeling like something was pushing my head down, just thinking, “Go away, leave her alone, go away, pick on someone your own fucking size” just over and over for what felt like forever. Then the pressure lifted, and I looked up, and it was gone. I had a panic attack for like an hour, finally calmed down enough to go to sleep, and the entire rest of the visit was uneventful.

I have never forgotten how scared I was. I don’t know how how she lived with it — about five years after she bought the house, she found out that the previous owner had committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling lamp in the dining room, and that when she saw a picture, he had been the “person” she saw in her driveway. She ended up turning the dining room into a guest bedroom and having the whole place exorcised by a priest (she went to med school at an historically Catholic school and apparently the chaplain did not bat an eyelash. She’s still an atheist, still lives in that house, but last time I was there, every room had a crucifix in it.

15. I experienced the same day twice. This was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I woke up and had my normal breakfast and noted that the same cartoons were playing as yesterday but reruns weren’t uncommon. Went to school and was confused why we were going over the same stuff as yesterday but didn’t question it. Review wasn’t uncommon. It wasn’t until the end of the day we had an extra 20 minutes so the teacher was playing “guess the number 1-100/higher or lower” and you got a piece of candy if you won. So the first round starts and people make their guesses and the first number was 50 and that’s what it was yesterday. I remembered it was 49 after because it was one less and then 99 because it was one less than 100 and then 35 which was her age. I told her I knew what she was picking because these are the numbers she picked yesterday. She said we didn’t play this yesterday and thought I could see the board so when it got to 35 she just scribbled on a piece of paper under her hand. When I told her it was 35 she turned white and said we’re not playing anymore and we never played again.

16. When I was only four years old I became afflicted with night terrors; the full on, wake up soaking the bed with sweat and screaming kind. It continued every night for years. I noticed quickly that it followed a pattern. I would be doing normal things with my family, if I looked away or blinked, they’d disappear, I would hear heavy footfalls coming closer, and lastly I would be chased by what I called the “ghost”. Not very original but I was young.

Like I said, these continued for years, but I started to notice other things as well. When laying down to sleep, I would hear things moving in the room, but when I would look no one was there. It kept escalating. I would hear heavy breathing in my ear and even felt the warmth of the breath. I would turn and there was nothing. Soon I would wake up from my night terrors and my blanket would be neatly folded back over my feat. I would ask my parents and brother if they did it, but they all denied it was them. One night I saw a figure walk by my door. It had the body of a human and the head of a dog. The thing was, it was so dark in my room I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. It was something darker than black.

It all culminated one night while I again laid there, waiting to sleep. I felt something cold and hard grip my ankles and dragged me off of the foot of my bed. My parent, stereotypically said I was imagining it all. But I was mad. This thing had the balls to come into MY world and try to scare me? I was 14, hopped up on puberty and ready to kick some ass. I had my night terror like normal, except this time instead of running, I turned around. I saw this weird little alien thing like a cross between the aliens from “Signs” and the typical gray-men. It looked shocked, and I channeled all my anger at something that was worthy of a man’s full wrath. I beat the shit out of that thing. I mean, it was a bloody, pulpy, pile of guts when I was done.

I never had another night terror, or visit from that thing. I’ve also been able to lucid dream from that point on. I also have dreams of the future. Usually a scene that means nothing, but happens around a life-changing event for me.

This is all true though I don’t know the meaning or cause of it. Maybe someone can explain it, but I’m 28 now and still have no more clue to what happened.

17. This actually happened today. I got home from work and was cleaning up my siblings toys. He has this fairly big Spiderman building (like a dollhouse but for Spiderman) that was toppled over in the living room. I lifted that back up and headed off to the kitchen for some food. I hear something fall over and look to see that his toy is again toppled over. Weird I thought nothing of it, maybe I set it down on some other toy so it wasn’t balanced right. I pick it up again and made sure nothing was under it. A couple hours later I am sitting down watching TV when I see clear as day this toy fall over again knowing damn well that I made sure it was balanced upright. I noped right upstairs until someone came home.

It’s 2:50AM now and I cant sleep because I think I keep hearing stuff.

18. Back when I was a kid, I had a scooter (non-motorized) that I would ride until the tires popped… and kept riding once Dad replaces the tires. One day I was riding around in the neighborhood cul-de-sac when I saw a bright, thin blue line appear in front of me. I rode through it since I had no time to stop. When I was able to stop and turn around, the light was gone. I have no idea what that light was and I have never been able to find out, but I know it was there and I rode through it.

19. When my brother and I were really young, probably around 6-7, we lived in a small 2 bed and 1 bath apartment. One night, it was just me and brother sleeping in the bedroom (my parents slept with us on another bed) and we heard a thud in the bathroom. We were both awake so we decided to investigate. The lights were on and I heard clipping sounds from a scissor. I put my ear up to the door and sure enough someone was in the bathroom using scissors. I knocked on the door and called out for my parents but there were no answers. I opened the door and the bathroom was empty. My parents must’ve been in the other room, but I always wondered why the bathroom lights were on and what I heard. I turned off the lights and my brother and I ran back to our beds, spooked af.

20. This image is burned in my memory, I’m still not sure if it was a really wild dream, sleepwalking or it actually happened.

So when i was about 7 or 8, I had a really weird dream where I went outside at night and there were these kids in the backyard. It was a summer night and there was a breeze blowing. I clearly remember the warm wind and the grass on my ankles. These kids, I think a boy and a girl, wanted to play and I never thought of it because I was a kid too and how cool was it to play at night. There was something off about them, they had grayish colored skin and light hair although still human looking. We played around on the swing set until I looked up in the sky and I see this eye. Basically a giant normal human eye that was a green color and looked like it was just projected on the sky. It blinks once, and when I looked down again, the kids were gone.

The next day, my mom swears that either my sister (who had a history of sleepwalking) or me, came into the house after she got home from work late at night.

21. When I was 11 maybe 12, I was inside our house’s “bonus room”, basically just an extra large room we used to put all of our gaming stuff and a couch and TV. I was alone and was sitting or standing next to my couch when suddenly as if it were really happening right in-front of me I both saw and heard chanting and beating drums as though a campfire with a Native American tribe was inside the room with me. The outlines of people dancing and chanting around a fire and beating drums while spinning around the whole ceiling, it felt like it lasted maybe 20 seconds. I had never been so awestruck and terrified in my life i felt absolutely chilled. I only ever had supernatural experience maybe once before this and could have otherwise been unsure, but after that I can’t doubt it. I later found out our neighborhood was built on or near Native-American burial grounds.

22. Okay, so just a heads up, the first story was told to me by family that was around for it, the second I remember vividly.

When I was young (like 2-3) my mother was walking me down the hallway to take a nap in her boyfriend’s house. I stopped and told her “I can’t go there”. When she asked why not I told her “Cause Baba and Tim are sleeping there”. We all later found out that her boyfriend had killed his parents in the hallway; Barbra and Tim.

When I was in second grade, I was also going to after school care at a church across the street. Every Friday, the ice cream man would come by. One day I was standing by the fence waiting for the ice cream man, when a man walked up. Well, he was more a shadow than a man, in a trenchcoat and fedora hat. (Picture film noir private eye style) I just stood there looking at him and he kinda waved me over toward him and I walked over, about the time I got over a kickball kicked by a big fifth grader hit the fence about head level. I turned around to see who kicked it, and when I turned back, the shadow guy winked and disappeared. I think I met my guardian angel.

23. I saw several ufos in one night. It was definitely not just helicopters or planes or stars. These things moved like nothing else. Triangular patterns and near instantaneous jumps from one point to another.

It all started when my brother saw a “green ball of fire” falling out of the sky. We went looking and found a lot. The thing that convinced me was when I saw a… spaceship just blink into existence right in front of me and tilt while flying away. It was pretty damn low. Fifty to seventy feet above a row of houses. Totally silent. No wind coming off of it. The other ships fell into a large triangle behind it. It disappeared again. I saw a black helicopter following its path, but we were on foot and couldn’t keep up.

24. In November of 2011, my mother had her second major stroke and had to be put into long term care, because we just couldn’t give her what she really needed. My husband and I had recently moved out of state to his first military duty station. Luckily, it was only a 5 hour drive and we were able to spend Thanksgiving with my dad that year.

The house I grew up in had always been creepy. Over the years, we heard footsteps upstairs when we were all downstairs, we saw shadows. Doppelgängers and things that just shouldn’t have been there. I hated leaving my dad alone there, as he was ill (at that point, we didn’t know it was cancer, just that he was slowing down). We convinced him to come live with us, but couldn’t bring him right away, because he had to sort through 30 years of accumulation and we were living in a one bedroom house. We made plans to come back and bring him home with us around the first of the year-6 weeks later.

My dad hated talking on the phone. He grew up before people really even had landlines and just never really liked phones. After we got home, he called me every single day. I knew something was up, because this is the man who would cuss out his cell phone until it stopped ringing. He wouldn’t elaborate, he would just admit the house was getting weird.

My husband was finally granted a few extra days leave after New Years, and we went to get my dad. The 2 nights we spent in that house are something I’ll never forget.

I honestly think whatever was in that house was pissed we were all moving out for good. Things would move on us, or be in a different box than we had packed it in. We were hearing strange knocks on the walls and faint voices in rooms nobody was in.

We only slept there 2 nights. The first night, my husband and I were trying to go to sleep and we started hearing stomping upstairs. The attic was huge and had previously been my room as a teenager, it has hardwood floors and had wooden enclosed steps. We both realized we never heard my dad go upstairs and were trying to figure out why he’d be up there in the middle of the night when we had decided to get his stuff up there in the daylight the next day. I got up and went out to the living room and he was sitting on the couch. He asked me if the stomping had woken us up too? My husband joined us in the living room, and we all sat and talked for the next few hours.

In that time, my dad finally told me the footsteps had become a nightly thing. It sounded like something frantically pacing back and forth where my bed used to be up there. It started the night he had started packing boxes and had spoken to me on the phone about the date we were coming to get him. He had started seeing the shadows darting in and out the back door again, too. This is something we hadn’t seen in at least 15 years. The doorknobs started jiggling again. My dad and I were both night owls, and we would sit up late telling ghost stories and just talking and this would happen often. We’d just be talking away, and all of a sudden the doorknob would start jiggling. We would hear, and see it happen. At first, my dad would grab the machete he kept under the couch and a flashlight and walk around the outside of the house and never find anything. After a while, we just ignored it.

After a while, we went back to bed and laid there just listening to the frantic pacing until we passed out. It happened the next night too. It was so surreal. I still ask my husband if it really happened and he always kinda chuckles and reminds me that we barely slept and were so exhausted when we got to our new house that we were all in zombie mode unloading the truck.

My dad passed away 6 months later. He was so glad to be out of that damned house. I was just happy he didn’t die alone there. My husband and I recently moved back to the city I grew up in. Right after we got back, he insisted we drive by that house. I had the worst feeling of dread over seeing that house again. The new owners changed a lot about the yard and exterior. I would love to know if they’ve had experiences like we did, but there’s nothing anyone could say to get me back in that house to ask them!

25. This is not my first hand experience but it happened to my mom when she was 10 years old.

It happened in 1980’s India, in which, The bathrooms weren’t attached to the bedroom or the house, But you’d have to walk into your backyard where the bathrooms are constructed as a separate building instead of an attached bathroom. So, one chilly December night, mom went to take a leak in the bathroom, but since it was dark and she was scared to go walk till the end of the big backyard she asked her mother to accompany her till the bathroom. My mom went inside, finished her business and came out of the bathroom. Suddenly, she sees a Lady standing right next to her mother and was surprised that until now there was no one except her mother and this lady showed up. She assumed that the lady might be one of the farmers her father employed to work on his farm and she might have needed some money. Mom then asks the lady “hey, who are you? What are you doing here this late in the night? Dad’s not here, he’s out running some errands, please come back tomorrow.”

Grandma turned pale. My grandmother couldn’t see anyone standing beside her and my mom was clearly pointing right next to her. Grandma didn’t take any chances, she grabbed her daughter and rushed inside the house and asked her daughter who has she seen and what did she look like, Mom described the lady as a stout and tall woman wearing a red saree (typical Indian dress) and had a grey color necklace. Grandma herself was scared because she once saw the same lady few years back in the backyard but never told anyone about it. Grandma started chanting holy mantras in Hinduism and waited until grandpa arrived.

When grandpa heard the whole ordeal narrated by grandma, He gave a nod like he knew what or who it was based on the description given. he calmly went and grabbed a family album and showed it to grandma and mom and sure as hell that lady was my mom’s grandmother and she died way before grandma and grandpa got married. He said he himself saw her few times in the backyard and re assured mom and grandma that nothing is going to harm them. He said that his mother loved sitting in the same backyard during chilly winter nights and that she loved this house to death.

The word has it that, in the ancestral home, her spirit still wanders during winters and the neighbors insist that they saw her several times in the backyard just sitting and staring at the sky .

26. A few years ago, I was at home with my family. My house was fairly small so noise travelled well throughout the structure. I cant remember the exact time but if my memory serves me correct, it was around 10pm. The sound system in my brothers room went full volume without anyone even being in the room. The music was at its loudest and obviously startled the whole family, before we ran into the room and switched it off.

This is where it gets strange. The same night after the sound system almost blew the speakers on its own. We later heard the water running in the kitchen sink. We went to investigate and one of the taps was on full flow. Again, it was very strange as one would physically have to turn the tap to open the valve. As cliche as this may sound, it was very cold when I went into the kitchen to investigate the kitchen event. The fact of the matter is that both of these events happened in the same night and definitely spoked the family a little.

27. A lot of abandoned roads where I grew up, it was a small town where a lot of people started building before the economy went to shit in 2007 thus leaving a bunch of abandoned half constructed houses and empty half built roads leading to dead ends. It was the perfect place to drive to when I first got my license to go smoke some weed with buddies. We were in my car hanging out in an abandoned road when my car shut off, turning the lights off completely. We were in pitch darkness. I held my breath and hoped the car hadn’t died on me and turned the key, the car started right up and flashed the lights on to the dead end ahead. A man in dressed in a very old school suit and top hat was standing there with a briefcase. We were in the middle of no where, no houses or anything for miles. It was 6 of us stuffed in this car. We all saw him. We all screamed, I never put a car in reverse so fast. By the time I adjusted myself to back out he was gone.

28. My friend and I went out star gazing one night, it was a clear night and the moon was full and really bright. We were looking towards the moon and then right beside the moon these three lights appeared out of nowhere, forming an upside down triangle. They were just as bright or slightly brighter than the moon. The top two lights faded off fairly quickly and the bottom light faded shortly after while moving up in a squiggly line. This whole sighting lasted about 15 seconds.

If my friend wasn’t there I would be questioning what the heck that was (still am of course), but seeing as he was there we both know what the fuck we saw. Unreal…

29. My friend was in the hospital for a surgery for her legs, and I went up there with a few friends to visit her, keep her company.

While all of us were in there, her mom, and our two other friends, just sitting around talking, this rocking chair just starts moving. It’s right by my friend in the hospital bed, just rocking as steadily as can be.

I was freaked the fuck out. I stopped it, put my hand on it, and it started again. It wasn’t rocking hard, just slowly like someone was sitting in it. I checked all around it and there were no strings, there was no draft, no one was touching it even the slightest. There was no possible explanation for it to be moving.

My friend’s mom thought it was her father coming to see her daughter in the hospital. She was not freaked out in the slightest, didn’t even question it.

I still think about it all the time.

30. When I was a kid I went on a family trip to see the beaches where the allies landed at as me and my dad were both interested. We visited a bunker but before we went in I told my dad we couldn’t go in yet as their was someone already in there speaking. My dad ignored me and we walk in to find it completely empty, a few years later he found a video that stated people would often hear German soldiers in the same bunker.

31. Lived in a smaller apartment complex for a while and the place had some weird vibes but nothing big. Then I started to get bothered at night while trying to sleep in my bedroom. I would get the strange sensation that something was right behind me. You know the feeling where your hair stands up and you get kind of fuzzy? That would happen every night. So for about 2 months I slept on my couch because I would consistently have that feeling.

Then I begin to date this girl. We go out drinking one night and I bring her back to my place. We walk in and I flip on the light and she freezes. I see a panicked look in her eyes. She is almost in tears and looking in the corner of the room she says “There’s a demon right there.” I was stunned. I didn’t tell anyone about the feelings or me sleeping on the couch before then. We immediately left and went to her place. She and a friend later that week did some sort of Indian cleansing thingy in my apartment and I never had another bad feeling since.

Usually not a superstitious guy but that whole encounter definitely sticks with me.

32. I just recalled a memory from when I was younger, that I haven’t thought about in a very long time.

I was at a friend’s house, sitting in his garden around a table that the family had on their porch.

I was facing towards the house, whilst my friend and his father were faced towards me and away from it.

In an occurrence which couldn’t have lasted more than a couple of seconds, a jet black silhouette in a person shape appeared on the house wall standing with their arms out and legs shoulder-width apart.

It appeared to side-step across the wall before disappearing and I was the only witness. Noone else was stood nearby to cast a shadow.

33. When I was a child I was playing at a local playground. I jumped off the swing and landed in the woodchips. There was one woodchip floating like 30cm above the ground. I even put my hand under the chip and it stayed in the air. I wanted to show it to my friends but when we got back it was gone. Thought Catalog Logo Mark