Games To Play When Bored
Unsplash / Bao Truong

100+ Exciting Games To Play When Bored

There are plenty of ways to keep your friends entertained. Here are the perfect games to play when bored out of your mind.


Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or an extra dull weekday, these are the best games to play when bored.

If you want to invite your friends over, but you have zero idea what you can do together, don’t freak out about disappointing them. There are plenty of ways to keep them entertained. Here are the perfect games to play when bored out of your mind.

Outdoor Games To Play When Bored

You’re in luck if you’re looking for a game to play with your friends, family, or kids. The games below are going to cure your boredom:

1. Capture the Flag.

Challenge your friends to this group game. It should be played with at least six people.

2. Manhunt.

This is a cool game for young kids, teenagers, or adults. Break yourself into two teams and start playing!

3. Scavenger Hunt.

Create a scavenger hunt for your kids! Make them search for treasure around the house.

4. Freeze Tag.

Put on some music and challenge each other to a game of freeze tag! This works great for children of any age.

5. Tug of War.

Put your muscles to the test. See which team is the strongest.

6. Relay Races.

The best thing about this game? It’s free!

7. Horseshoes.

This game is great for adults to play outdoors at BBQs and birthday parties.

8. Frisbee.

To play this game, you don’t need a huge group. All you need is one other person.

9. Cornhole.

This is a fun game that all the kids have been playing. It will test your skills!

10. Kick the Can.

This is a classic game. All you need is a can!

11. Croquet.

This game can be tricky at first, but you’ll get the hang of it soon.

12. Badminton.

As long as you have a net and some rackets, you can challenge your friends to a round of badminton.

13. Horse.

If you have a basketball hoop, then you might as well use it! You can spend hours on this game.

14. Ring Toss.

This is a classic carnival game — but you can recreate it in your own home.

15. Pool Volleyball.

On a warm day, you might as well hop in the water. Keep yourselves cool while you play!

16. Marco Polo.

This is a classic game for kids. Just make sure you supervise them in the water.

17.  KanJam.

This game is addictive. Once you start, you won’t want to stop.

18. Tetherball.

This game will kill plenty of time. You won’t even notice the hours pass.

19. Shuffleboard.

This game is for old and young players. Everyone can enjoy it!

20. Rock, Paper, Scissors.

You already know how to play this one! You only need one other person.

Board Games To Play When Bored

white red yellow and blue game board
Unsplash / Folu Eludire

These games are fun to play with two or more people, so gather your friends together. Here are some of the best games to play in groups:

21. Cards Against Humanity.

This card game is hilarious. You can download the cards online right now!

22. Monopoly.

This classic game might kill your friendships. But it’ll be fun!

23. Risk.

There is more than one version of this game, so pick your favorite one.

24. Scrabble.

This game will push you to think. Create a word that will score you the most points.

25. Chess.

You can play this game with friends, or you can play on an app against a computer.

26. Checkers.

This game is fun to play with family and friends. It’s not too complicated for beginners.

27. Clue.

Solve a murder mystery in this classic board game.

28. The Game Of Life.

In this game, you don’t have to race to the end. The player with the most money wins.

29. Battleship.

You only need one person to play this game with you. Guess where your opponent placed their ship and see if you got it right!

30. Connect Four.

This is a great puzzle game. And it’s easy for anyone to play.

31. Candy Lane.

This game is easy for children. Simply roll a number and move your character around the board.

32. Trivial Pursuit.

This is the best trivia game available. It’ll test your intelligence.

33. Backgammon.

Playing this game requires you to think. Make sure you’re ready for the challenge.

34. Snakes and Ladders.

This is a fun, simple game for kids.

35. Twister.

This game will get your body moving. It will even test your flexibility!

36. Boggle.

Write down as many words as you can find in a short amount of time to take home the win.

37. Mancala.

This fun game can be played on a website or in person.

38. Sorry!

This is a great game for any age group.

39. Guess Who?

In this game, you simply guess the person your opponent has on their card.

40. Charades.

You need a little bit of room for this game because everyone is going to act out their cards!

41. Pictionary.

You need to draw well in order to win this classic game.

Drinking Games To Play When Bored

Adults can enjoy games, too! Here are some fun games to play when you’re bored and drunk with family and friends:

42. Beer Pong.

43. Flip Cup

44. Truth or Dare

45. Categories

46. Kings Cup

47.  Most Likely

48. 2o Questions

49. Flip, Sip, or Strip

50. Sevens

51. Spin the Bottle

52. Pyramid

53. Drinking Roulette

54. Drunk Jenga

55. Ride the Bus

56. Battleship (with shots)

57. Picolo

58. Quarters

59. Around the World

60. Ring of Fire

Fun Games To Play When Bored

These great games are going to bring you and your friends even closer together. You can play some of them at school or the office.

61. MASH

62. Tic-tac-toe

63. Hangman

64. Paper Fortune Tellers

65. Dots and Boxes

66.Never Have I Ever

67. Pen and Paper Telephone

68. Sprouts

69.  Simon Says

70. Tag

71. Jacks

72. Leapfrog

73. Hopscotch

74. Dodgeball

75. Chinese Football

76. Go Fish

77. Jump Rope

78. Marbles

79. I Spy

80. Dominoes

Online Games To Play When Bored

Here are some more fun games to play to get rid of your boredom. Some of them are even free games:

81. Akinator.


83. Solitaire.

84. Mahjong.

85. Sudoku

86. Mario Kart

87. Mario Party

88. Just Dance

89. SIMS

90. Animal Crossing

91. Rock Band

92. Super Smash Bros

93. Fortnite

94. Player Unknown Battlegrounds

95. Overcooked


97. Words With Friends

98. Minecraft

99. Wii Sports

100. The Jackbox Party Pack

101. Castle Crashers

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About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.