
This Is Each Zodiac Sign’s Definition Of Heaven On Earth

Your days begin with you spending a few hours effortlessly creating whatever work that you are most passionate about, and your schedule is filled with lunches, meet ups, and BFF sleepovers.




(March 21st to April 19th)

Your life never ceases to be interesting, yet at the same time, relaxed. You spend your days reading riveting fiction novels, researching weird Wikipedia pages, and sharing your abundance of knowledge with friends and family who are equally as interested as you are. In your work, you are confident that you are helping people. Your life finally makes sense. Everything is logical, you are the (kind, empathetic) boss of your peers, and you present yourself in a sort of put-together yet unique way that makes you come across as someone who is accomplished yet authentic.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You are most inspired by your own Instagram feed. In fact, whenever you need a little pick me up, you are able to scroll back through the posts you’ve made over the past few months and feel encouraged that you’ve been able to work toward goals, travel, spend time with loved ones, dress well… and capture it all in images. You have a small but very close group of friends and family with whom you spend the majority of your time. You are able to identify what goals you want to achieve, and strategize how you’re going to achieve them. You are clear on your creative pursuits, and are steadfast in dedicating your life to what you really love. You are admired by all those who know you, and the people who you love most are fiercely and eternally loyal to you.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Your life revolves around two things: your creative passions and your best friends. If (and when) you are in a relationship, you are a fun, creative, and endlessly selfless partner. Your days begin with you spending a few hours effortlessly creating whatever work that you are most passionate about, and your schedule is filled with lunches, meet ups, and BFF sleepovers. You feel surrounded by a community who loves and supports you, and you know that you can trust the people closest to you. You commit to your work for the sake of the people in your life; you pursue your dreams not only for yourself, but for them. You get your satisfaction in life knowing that you are living up to your fullest potential, and experiencing as much love as you possibly can in a life.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

After a short time of searching, you find your dream house that is, almost miraculously, priced at exactly the amount of money you have to spend. You move in with your soulmate, and probably your pets. You are widely considered one of the greatest innovators in your chosen field of work, but you do not have to spend all hours of the day and night working. You are someone who has a rather flexible schedule, and you have plenty of time for drinking wine with your significant other and having dinner parties with your tribe. Above all, you are certain of your place in the world, and all of your anxiety surrounding the “what ifs” has dissolved. You know your path, and you are happy to work on it everyday. You are also very popular on Instagram.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You finally feel comfortable with how you look and what you’re doing with your life. After all these years, your efforts to look and feel your best have finally begun to pay off. You work hard, but play hard, too. You feel younger than ever, and that energy is reflected in how many people seem to be interested in you romantically. You feel confident that the people you love are taken care of, and that you will be there for them no matter what. You are proud of your family, proud of your friends, proud of your life, and proud of yourself. You’ve built a life you are happy to show off.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Your efforts to improve and weave together a stronger community are finally reaching fruition. At the same time, your anxious and paranoid thoughts have ceased to exist, and you can only really attribute this to the fact that you are now finally living your Truth. You are a beloved member of your family, workplace and friendship group, and when you give those people your advice, they take it. You are funny and are proud to show off your edgy side (you will be wearing purple hair and/or leather jackets well into your 50s) yet you’re also proud of how much you have grown over the course of your life. Above all, you know that you are of service to those around you, and nothing makes you feel more content.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Your success, beauty and soulmate relationship are the envy of all those around you. Though you are impressive, people are more inspired by you than they are jealous and mean. You live in a blissful, neutral-colored daydream, surrounded by your doting partner, hilarious best friends, and lush meals. You no longer concern yourself with small, unimportant stressors, and you focus on how you can make the most of every part of your life. You get a lot of money to do something you are very naturally talented at, and you are working on your autobiography at the moment. You are regularly stopped on the streets and people ask whether or not you are a model.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Your romantic partners are more obsessed with you than you are them, the friends that you have are loyal to the point that they would die for you, and with the sheer power of your mind, you are able to inflict pain onto your enemies so that they can repent. You spend your days inflicting fear on your inferiors, planning your next vacation/trip to the bar, shooing off all the suitors who cannot get enough of you, and working tirelessly toward a goal that you (perhaps irrationally) believe in. All in all, you have ascended to embody your fullest power, and your darkness has been transformed to passion that helps you build something for the greater good.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You live in a secluded home in which you have walls lined with books on interesting topics, and you are almost always entertaining a slew of romantic partners with your amazing cooking and dry, sarcastic sense of humor. When you are ready to settle into monogamy, your soulmate appears and you commit without hesitation. You are regarded as a leader in your field and you are the person that people turn to for advice, insight or wisdom. You spend your days traveling, hiking, exploring and meeting new people, but the real joy of your life comes from spending time with the family and friends who you love most.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

It is with your unprecedented wit and wisdom that you are able to resolve conflict, pursue unique projects, and find your ideal romantic partner. You are grateful to what you have endured up until this point, as it has made you the grounded, resolved, self-empowered individual that you are. You live in a quiet town, and yet do important and high-profile work in a neighboring city. However, the majority of your days revolves around quietly bonding with your partner, holding dinner parties for your friends, and tweeting your most amazing opinions. You invest in quality leatherwear, and eat organic food from your local farmer’s market.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You are spearheading a new company that is on a mission to shift human consciousness while at the same time turning enough of a profit to ensure that you live up to your own standards. You are surrounded by eccentric creatives that push the boundaries of your own skills, and have taught yourself to lucid dream. Your partner is equally ambitious and does not care if you are home for dinner in time, and you are quietly investing in Nikola Tesla’s newest project.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Your business as an independent art/health/writing consultant is finally taking off. Your new book was written in two nights’ time, and you are proud that you have finally been able to land the type of position that you deserve at work. At home, you have finally found your soulmate, and your relationship is more mind-blowing, inspiring, challenging and beautiful than you ever could have imagined. You feel inspired to create regularly, and yet you don’t have to brood to make a masterpiece anymore. You’ve devoted your life in some capacity to helping others and giving your energy to the greater good. You feel that you are starting to embody the energy of a higher power. You have a lot of cool tattoos. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.