This Is The One Thing You Shouldn’t Underestimate About Her, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
You may think of her as the outgoing, talkative, creative and fun friend, but underneath it all, Geminis have a secret layer of strength that is only revealed every once in a while.

(March 21st to April 19th)
Your doubt will fuel her drive.
Aries are natural-born thinkers, creators and leaders. When an idea makes sense to her, there is little that you can say to hold her back from doing what she wants to do. Aries are notoriously stubborn-minded, and when someone doubts them, they either don’t pay it any mind whatsoever, or use it as fuel to prove you wrong.
(April 20th to May 21st)
She has a vision you don’t know about.
Tauruses are perfectionists on the surface, but creatives at heart. They are always coming up with new ideas and interesting projects to throw themselves into. Tauruses aren’t going to show you the process, they’re going to show you the finished product. Sometimes it’s as simple as how to be in better shape, and sometimes it’s as ambitious and complex as starting her own business. Either way, when you find out what she’s been spending her late evenings working on, you will think to yourself: of course.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
She’s a lot tougher than she seems.
You may think of her as the outgoing, talkative, creative and fun friend, but underneath it all, Geminis have a secret layer of strength that is only revealed every once in a while. They are protective of themselves and those that they love, and more importantly, have an unexpectedly keen sense of justice, and do not like to feel as though they are being wronged. This leads them to being hyper-aware of other people’s micro-actions: they know what you really think and feel, and they’re observing it in the back of their minds.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
If she doesn’t like you, she will be your worst nightmare (and you won’t even know it).
Cancers are the most emotional of the zodiac (next to Pisces) and that doesn’t just mean they’re teary-eyed over every ASPCA commercial they see. If they dislike you for any reason, they will be ruthless about it, and sometimes you won’t even realize. They aren’t particularly confrontational, but will absolutely go out of their way to avoid you or say something casually savage behind your back. Watch. Out.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
She’s not afraid to claw her way to the top.
Leos are notoriously competitive, and though they don’t always come across as aggressive, they will more or less do whatever it takes to achieve what they want. They are deceptively driven, and aren’t afraid to play dirty if it means they’ll win in the end (their egos are too big to accept the alternative).
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
She will not tolerate anything that stands in her way.
Virgos are particular and people-oriented, which leads the to be rather particular about who they like to spend time with. Sure, on the surface they seem like they get along with everyone, but Virgos really only like some people, but their nature prevents them from expressing preference outwardly. They will not let anybody – or anything – stand between them and what they want to create.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
She will stop at nothing to create the life she dreams of.
Libras are so idealistic, they have a hard time feeling content with anything other than their dream life. If there’s anything people underestimate about “lazy” Libras, it is that they are more driven than anyone when it comes to creating the life they want. They love balance, and for as much romance, love and beauty as they have in their lives, they will want an equal amount of social and professional success.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
She has a dark side that would surprise you.
Scorpios have so much suppressed and pent up emotion, and it will all have to come out eventually. Scoripos are the unexpected feelers of the zodiac. She has strong opinions, and won’t be able to keep a pleasant expression on her face forever. Whatever you see on the surface is the tip of the iceberg in a Scorpio’s mind.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
She is a mastermind.
Sagittariuses seem like free-spirits, but they are actually very grounded and goal-oriented people. They’re ambitious, even if they don’t quite know how to execute their ideas perfectly. She might be a “look before you leap” type of entrepreneur, but never doubt that if nothing else, a Sagittarius always has the wheels turning in the back of their minds trying to figure out how to improve their lives in some way or another.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
She will hold you to the same high standards she holds herself.
The reality is she isn’t expecting a lot from you because she’s needy, it’s because she believes in others (sometimes blindly). A Capricorn woman is a force to be reckoned with: she’s quietly organized, mindful, cautious, and always on top of whatever’s going on. You aren’t going to get away with much in her presence.
(January 21st to February 18th)
She’s got a bigger heart than you give her credit for.
Aquarians are typically pinned for being cold, calculated CEO types, but that’s not true at all. They are very often some of the biggest sweethearts in the world (they’re also just driven by their own goals and that overrides their kindness sometimes). But an Aquarian’s ability to love others is just another skill that’s in her favor: she will be able to charm you (and then get you to do whatever she wants).
(February 19th to March 20th)
She is an innovator, and will not live life according to someone else’s rules.
Being the most creative and intuitive of all the signs, Pisces want to live on their own accord. They are skeptical of how things “should be” and are more concerned with building the kind of life that appeals to them. Never expect a Pisces to color within the lines.