This Is The Date Your Partner Is Dying To Go On, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

A Libra loves to be pampered and calm. Therefore, a lovely couples massage would be an ideal date for one.




(March 21st to April 19th)

An Aries is the epitome of spontaneous, so a surprise trip would be the absolute best date in their books. They admire people who help them to experience new things, so changing up their routine and doing something out of the ordinary is always exciting for an Aries. Choose a place they have never been, and don’t plan anything. Explore together, learn together, and simply have fun living in the moment. They will absolutely love it.


(April 20th to May 21st)

A Taurus loves the finer things in life, and also adores going out to eat or try new beverages. Therefore, taking them on a wine tasting or a beer tasting would be an absolutely wonderful date. Tasting wine, eating delicious food, and enjoying the environment around them will appeal to every sensual side of the Taurus, while complimenting their need for physical stimulation as well.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

A Gemini is thirsty for knowledge. They always want to learn new things. An ideal date would stimulate this aspect of their personality. Take them out to watch the premiere of a new documentary, and then afterwards plan to go for drinks so you can chat about everything you noticed and absorbed from the film. They will be stimulated the whole night.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

A Cancer loves to feel comfortable, and often goes out to familiar places when do venture into the public eye. An ideal date would be one that brings the Cancer somewhere they have already been — like their favourite restaurant. They will find the gesture thoughtful, and they will open up and really shine in the safe environment.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

A Leo loves having every eye on the them when they are in a room. Bring them to Karaoke and watch them get up on stage and put on a show for the world to see. A Leo will love to see you in the crowd, cheering them on, and taking in how fun they are.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Virgos love learning new things. Therefore, instead of taking them out for dinner, take them out to a cooking class so they can learn a new skill and do something methodical. They will love mixing things up, and they will be glad that they left the security of their home to fill their mind with new knowledge.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

A Libra loves to be pampered and calm. Therefore, a lovely couples massage would be an ideal date for one. The Libra will literally feel the stress melting out of their life, and they will be able to enjoy how romantic the side by side massage truly is. Finish the night off by indulging in champagne and chocolate, and the Libra will be in heaven. Pure bliss.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

All a Scorpio needs on a date is alone time. Therefore, a night in with just the two of you will be the best possible scenario for reclusive Scorpio. Make sure to create a little oasis for you and your partner. Things like candles, good music, food and wine will appeal to Scorpio’s sensual side, and it will create a hedonistic environment that they will enjoy distraction free.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

If you want to bring a Sagittarius on a kickass date, bring them on a hike. Outdoorsy Sagittarius will enjoy being in nature, and they always get really overwhelmed when inside. Catering to their need to explore and find adventure, taking them outside of stuffy restaurants and apartments is key, and they will appreciate your thirst for wandering.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Capricorns are foodies, and they love trying new places that most people have not been. Figure out what the newest openings are in town, and work your magic to get a reservation at the hottest new dining spot. Your Capricorn will appreciate the exclusivity, and they will love that they can be the first of few to talk about the experience. You’ll hit it out of the park, and appeal to a Capricorns admiration for the superior things in life.


(January 21st to February 18th)

An Aquarius often needs a date to be both stimulating and social. A concert would be an amazing mix of those two aspects, and it will also appeal to the Aquarian obsession with live music. Bring your Aquarian to a little jazz club, or out to a bar where one of their favourite bands is playing. They will be in heaven, and they will also love that they get to share those moments with you.


(February 19th to March 20th)

For a Pisces, expression is really important. Appeal to their creative side and their appreciation of the arts by bringing them to a local art battle, or a place where they can paint and drink a few beverages. They will love watching you channel your inner creative, and they will feel energized and inspired in the environment. Thought Catalog Logo Mark