What Each Zodiac Sign Has Had Enough Of On October 24
Lyubomir Ignatov

How To Attract Your Crush, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

To attract an Aquarius, be simple and free, open minded and dreamy.


Lyubomir Ignatov
Lyubomir Ignatov


(March 21st to April 19th)

An Aries needs to chase the apple of its eye, so the best way to attract one would be to play hard to get. Not only will this peak their interest, it will cater to their need for competition. Getting you as a prize will be rewarding, but be sure to give them the chance to catch you. If not, the Aries will get discouraged and move on to a fresh, new conquest.


(April 20th to May 21st)

To attract a Taurus, you simply just have to do something thoughtful for them. Pay attention to their needs, emotional and physical, show them that you are also an empath. When a Taurus sees how kind and compassionate you are, they melt, and they often open up and start to reciprocate that kindness. When you prove to them just how thoughtful you are, they trust you more and see you as a suitable mate that will compliment their nurturing side.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

If you want to attract a Gemini, dress to impress. They love a sharp fashion sense and are always checking out those who take care of themselves physically. Their own physical appearances say a lot about them, so they are often attracted to a partner that cares just as much about what image they are projecting.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

To attract a Cancer, make sure that you smile at them. They absolutely adore genuine, kind grins and it will show them that you are approachable. By being open to the Cancer, you show them that you are caring, and this is a trait that is simply irresistible in their eyes.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

A Leo will be instantly attracted to you if you bring attention to them. It will prove to them that you are mindful of them, and it will cater to their need to know that they are popular. A Leo always loves to be looked up to, so if you casually compliment them while in the middle of a conversation, or in front of a group of people, you will stroke their ego and find your way right into their heart.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

To attract a Virgo, you have to flirt with them. Try to make things with them fun and playful, both physically and through conversation. Work to put a smile on a Virgo’s face, and make them laugh. If you do this, while pulling back a little in order to give yourself poise and value, they will become very curious about you.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Libras love spontaneity. To attract them, you should show them how easy going and versatile you are. If they see you go with the flow when plans change at the drop of a hat, they will be inspired by your personality. Libras know that people who are spontaneous and fun loving will appeal to their need to be kept on their toes. If you really want to stir things up, don’t ask to hang out with them at another time. Ask them to do something in a moment, and go with it. This will intrigue them beyond words.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

A Scorpio will make you prove your feelings for them. You will need to pay attention to them and learn them. Remembering things they say, recalling their motivations and their aspirations, and so on will show the Scorpio you are trying to court that you are serious about them. If a Scorpio tells you that they are fond of you, do not play any games. You have passed their test, and you must let them know that you reciprocate their feelings, or else they will feel rejected.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

To attract a Sagittarius, all you have to do is share your passions with them. Talk to them about your dreams and all of the things you want to achieve. Tell them about your hobbies, your wildest thoughts, your fantasies and all of your achievements. They will feed off of your ambition, and they will want to be part of the life you are creating for yourself. If you can meet them with the same enthusiasm for their own dreams and goals, they will not be able to resist you.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Capricorns feel most comfortable around people who are like them, so if you are trying to attract one, be sure to mirror them. Reflect their body language, their attitude, their emotion, and they will feel like you are one of them. If you dress like them, and talk like them, they will notice you even more, and they will be deeply attracted to you. However, you need to do his genuinely, for if a Capricorn feels like you are laying it on too thick, they will feel as if they cannot trust you, and they will not be able to relate to you.


(January 21st to February 18th)

To attract an Aquarius, be simple and free, open minded and dreamy. They like it when people do small things for them, so little acts of kindness or small gestures will always go a long way with an Aquarius. Ask them about their day, give them your free time, make sure that you plan to see them and integrate them into even your most normal activities like grocery shopping. An Aquarius simply wants to feel like you appreciate their company, and they don’t like anything too intense. So attract them lightly and in simplistic ways.


(February 19th to March 20th)

To attract a Pisces, buy them something meaningful, or make them something that holds merit with them. If you know certain things about them, use that for your gifts. Whenever they use that gift, they will think about you, and they will be reminded of how thoughtful you are. Make them dinner, write them a letter — a Pisces simply just wants to know that you are thinking of them, and that you understand them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.