20 People Reveal Their ‘Micro Turn-Ons’: The Strange Little Things They Find Hot
“When a girl who wears glasses looks above the glasses when looking at something up-close”

There are obvious turn-ons like a hot girl in a bikini or Ryan Gosling shirtless but then there are also the littler things that we notice and admire. My friend Maggie brought this unexplored world of the human psyche to my attention this year while we discussed love and relationships. We asked our friends at dinner and the tiny things they surprisingly found enticing came pouring out.
1. “When girls wear clogs. Drives me crazy.” – Brett, 21
2. “When guys scratch the back of their neck and scruff up their hair a little.” – Emma, 23
3. “When a guy has a bracelet tan. So weirdly hot.” – Amy, 20
4. “A girl who reaches for a check on a date turns me on.” – Mark, 23
5. “Guys who say your name throughout conversation in subtle ways.” – Maya, 25
6. “A guy that can drive without needing to use google maps or any form of navigation. I don’t know why it is but that’s so sexy to me.” – Joanna, 24
7. “Women in button-down shirts. Hands down.” – Sebastian, 25
8. “When a guy lays back on his bed with his hands crossed behind his head.” – Margaret, 22
9. “A boy who shakes peoples hands when meeting new people.” – Sharon, 23
10. “When a guy says something dorky or off in a big group of people but looks at you for confirmation because they are comfortable with you.” – Tanya, 22
11. “When a girl whispers in my ear at a table full of people.” – Ryan, 26
12. “Old Spice Danali/ The palm tree deodorant. Get’s me every time.” – Bella, 24
13. “Boys in white shirts. Is there any girl in the world who doesn’t swoon over them?” – Jenna, 21
14. “When a guy’s underwear (specifically boxer briefs) are coming out of his shorts slightly.” – Sammy, 22
15. “A discrete, cute smile from a girl kills me.” – Harry, 23
16. “When a girl who wears glasses looks above the glasses when looking at something up-close” – Ray, 24
17. “Big hands.” – Amelia, 28
18. “The face a guy makes when he’s concentrating because you know it will be the same face they make when they’re concentrated on you during sex.” – Taylor, 20
19. “A man who says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to a waiter or a cashier is sexy to me.” – Chantal, 26
20. “When a girl playfully runs away from me.” – Diego, 23