BREAKING: Attack At Ohio State Campus (Update: Situation Resolved, Investigation Ongoing)


Police have congregated on Tuttle Park just south of Lane Avenue

I am currently eating breakfast at Knowlton Hall at The Ohio State University. As I took one of my final bites out of my bagel sandwhich, this tweet was sent out.

Here’s a map of what is allegedly going on:

Where shooting originally occurred
Where shooting originally occurred

As I have sat here and typed this up, a significant police presence has traveled west from the original site (??) and is now congregated outside the Blackwell Inn on Tuttle Park, just south of Lane Avenue.

Where police are now congregated
Where police are now congregated

We are all locked down in the building I am in (as safe as can be), so I got a few pictures of what is going on.

Police have congregated on Tuttle Park just south of Lane Avenue
Police have congregated on Tuttle Park just south of Lane Avenue

I’ll update this post as I see / hear more. Anybody in the Ohio State campus area, please shelter in place and put safety above all else. This is literally unfolding right across the street from me, so I am def a little shaken.


I just heard from a friend (rumor NOT confirmed by authorities) that the shooter ran over a group of people after a fire drill in a vehicle before firing shots. The friend also claimed that there were collections of police everywhere, so the the presence outside of the Blackwell near me might not be particularly significant.


According to ABC, at least 7 people have been transported to the hospital. I saw at least 5 ambulances pass Knowlton, so this seems reputable.

Police presence has begun to lighten up a little bit near me at Knowlton Hall (intersection of Woodruff and Tuttle Park). No additional news from OSU Emergency Management.


Another report on social media (also not confirmed by authorities) has a Professor being attacked by a machete in Watts Hall (where the shooting began). I’m not sure if this is compatible with the rumor — from a source I trust, but still a rumor — of the vehicular assault. Neither of these stories have been confirmed though, and either could be rumor or both could be true.

Meanwhile, the Lantern seems to be confirming that there was a buildup on Tuttle Park, centered around the Lane Avenue Parking garage.

There has been no “all clear” yet by authorities. Please everyone, stay safe still.


Two different reports seem to be coming out, perhaps indicating that there were multiple shooters.

The Lantern is saying that the last shooter is in the Lane Avenue Parking garage (which is the buildup I saw occur on Tuttle Avenue).

Breaking 911 is saying that one suspect is dead. The question remains: was there multiple shooters here, or is the shooter dead? Authorities have *not* confirmed any of this to my knowledge.


Local news now has up to 9 people transported to the hospital.

Meanwhile, this story breaking out of local news seems to synthesize the two different stories I’ve heard:

According to this account, a car ran into Watts Hall (perhaps colliding with pedestrians) with two suspects jumping out — one with a gun (the shooter) and one with the machete.


According to OSU Wexner Medical Center (reported by Columbus 10), they are treating 8 victims of the active shooting. Four of those are said to be non life threatening, but another four might be more serious. Columbus 10 also reports, that at the time of transport, 7 of the 8 transported to OSU Wexner Medical Center had stable vital signs.


The shelter in place has been lifted:

Columbus 10 is doing a Facebook Live of news coverage on this, so they probably have the best info as of now.

Prayers to all those injured. This is truly terrible.


According to my friend who was VERY close to the initial scene, the attack began after a fire alarm was pulled in Watts Hall. Apparently after people exited the building because of the fire alarm, a vehicle rammed a group of people and then jumped out of the car — one person with a machete and another with a gun.

I am probably done updating this article now that mainsteam news is on the beat. A really horrible day, and prayers for my University.


One last update here. It seems like there may have been only one attacker with a machete and that the “second attacker” might have just been the sound of police gunfire. Thought Catalog Logo Mark