Here Is What The Manager Of Pulse Nightclub Had To Say About The Attack


Sunday morning, the nation was rocked as news arose that Pulse Nightclub — a gay bar in Orlando — was attacked by a terrorist with multiple firearms. At the end of the day, over 50 people are dead and many more were injured.

Brian Reagan is a manager at Pulse Nightclub. Starting as just a patron, he eventually became an employee, and later still, he became the manager. In a heartfelt Facebook post, Brian talks about his experience at Pulse and his feelings about the horrendous terrorist attack:


Brian reminds us, that despite the evil in the world, the forces of good always find a way to love and take care of each other. Peace to those we’ve lost, and strength to those who endure.

This horrendous attack will not soon be forgotten. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jacob Geers

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