50 People On The Single Best Piece Of Advice They Got From Their Mothers
To have the courage to accept a marriage proposal from a guy I met 3 days ago if it feels like the right thing for me to do.
Ioana Casapu

1. Do not listen to your father (just because he’s your father, you know). – Laura, 30
2. Always be kind to people, even to those who are not kind with you, because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. – Cristina, 30
3. Understand there will be people who don’t understand. And that’s okay. – Alex, 29
4. Work made man and work will destroy him – Robert, 29
5. Not all of your friends will be true friends. Look them closely in their eyes. – Tina, 31
6. Too much good is the enemy of good. – Maria, 24
7. Always close the door behind you. – Alex, 26
8. Always keep your money and valuables in your bra. – Lilla, 27
9. Forced love is called rape and it is punished by law. – Adrian, 28
10. Unfortunately sometimes genuine love is not enough. – Alexandra, 25
11. Anything another human being can do, so can you. It s just a question of will. – Nona, 32
12. My mother once told me: there are two kinds of men you will meet along the way. The first man will give you the life you wanted and the second man will give you the love you’ve been wishing for. If you’ll be one of the lucky few, you will find both in one man. But if ever you will find yourself having to choose between the two, “Always choose LOVE”. – Bea, 24
13. Don’t invent problems for yourself. – Andra, 26
14. Keep everything balance in life. – Delia, 29
15. Something like
– mom, he is a great man!
– have you checked that already? – Cristina, 31
16. Love yourself. – Diana, 25
17. Always be diplomatic. – Cristina, 26
18. Be different. – Cassandra, 23
19. Read The Stranger by Albert Camus. – Raluca, 27
20. Don’t let anyone make you do something you don’t want to do, ever. Follow your mind and your dreams and do not give them up for anybody no matter what. – Mariem, 26
21. Never break a woman’s heart. – Dragoș, 30
22. Sometimes you’ll have to do what you don’t necessarily like. – Livia, 30
23. That it’s okay to put myself first, even if the world doesn’t understand it. ESPECIALLY if the world doesn’t understand it. – Tanvi, 20
24. It’s important to do everything in life, the order is less important – Adela, 35
25. Don’t steal. – John, 31
26. Never say never. Basically, never. – Irina, 29
27. You cannot force love. – Adriana, 25
28. Use condoms. Always use condoms. – Sayan, 23
29. Don’t steal another woman’s man because that means another woman can steal the guy from you. – Esther, 26
30. Never suffer over a man. – Monica, 21
31. Look at life upfront, persevere and you will manage to overcome its struggles. – Camelia, 26
32. To travel, even when my heart is aching with goodbyes. – Isabelle, 32
33. To never depend upon others. – Andrada, 30
34. If you’re going to do something stupid at least keep your eyes open. – Roland, 40
35. To never run after a bus or after a man. What’s the point in running when another one will come by soon? – Liv, 30
36. To have the courage to accept a marriage proposal from a guy I met 3 days ago if it feels like the right thing for me to do. – Raisa, 26
37. She never told me to do this or that for HER. – Monica, 34
38. To always choose in marriage the one who loves you most, not the one you love the most. I remember this. It seemed important. It felt weird. – Sasha, 35
39. To keep my options always open. – Frank, 24
40. To live everyday like a car could hit me tomorrow. – Joan, 30
41. Nothing in life can be done perfectly, but that doesn’t mean we have to postpone everything. – Cora, 24
42. You are remarkably beautiful and excellently intelligent – do not let anyone feel like you’re any less brilliant. – Candice, 27
43. In marriage, there’s always one who loves and one who gets to be loved. – Daria, 28
44. You should love your children for what they are. – Daniel, 34
45. Sometimes people leave, but we who are still alive have the power to be both mother and father for our children. That’s quite hard they say, but for me it was the easiest thing, because I love you and your little brother and maybe God gave me two hearts so I can care for both of you as much as your dad and I could’ve cared together. – Matt, 21
46. You can’t possibly court a girl on SnapChat. Go to her place and cook her dinner. I give you bonus points for that. – Adam, 22
47. Love changes, and sometimes not for the better. If you choose to walk away, trust your gut. – Wanda, 28
48. Never date a guy who doesn’t have any books in his house. – Marie, 31
49. If you want something done right, do it yourself. – Andrei, 30
50. To be a private person – the whole world doesn’t need to know your deepest secrets. – Elijah, 27