It’s Sad To Say Goodbye, Even To Someone Toxic
Timothy Tarasov

6 Red Flags That He Won’t Stay Loyal


You never want to waste your time with a cheater, so you should watch out for the signs you’re getting played. If every single item below describes the person you’ve been seeing, there’s a chance they aren’t going to stay loyal for long:

He’s sketchy with his phone. If he always flips his phone over when you’re in the room, brings his phone in the bathroom with him, and refuses to explain who he’s texting, then something is up. If your person wasn’t hiding anything, then it wouldn’t matter if you happened to see a name pop up on his phone. If he’s purposely keeping the screen from your view at all times, then he might be talking to other people behind your back.

He never gives you all the details about his day. When he goes out, you never know who he’s hanging out with or how long it’s going to be before he comes home. He never gives you all of the details. Even when you ask him straight-up, he will change the subject or make jokes to avoid answering you. Of course, if he was completely loyal, he would have no problem filling you in to make you feel more comfortable. He would be completely transparent with you because he would have nothing to hide.

He keeps comparing you to other women. He shouldn’t be comparing you to celebrities, his exes, or his hot coworkers. After all, you’re not in competition with those people – so he shouldn’t make you feel like you’re fighting with them for his love. He should be interested in dating you and only you. If he’s expecting you to change to be more like someone else, then he should be with someone else. If he doesn’t appreciate you for you then you deserve better.

He is hesitant to put a label on the relationship. If you’re not technically dating, then hooking up with someone else wouldn’t technically be cheating. You need to keep this in mind if you’ve been seeing someone who is refusing to put an official label on the relationship. Unless they have another reason that makes sense, chances are that he’s not interested in labels because he’s not interested in staying loyal. Remember, the right person will commit to you. They’ll decide that you’re more than enough.

He is impulsive and unpredictable on a day-to-day basis. If he has trouble ignoring temptation and excitement, then there’s a chance he’s going to cheat. There’s a chance he’s going to do whatever feels best in the moment, then worry about the consequences later. But you deserve a partner who is able to stay loyal to you, who isn’t going to leave you wondering why they’re out so late or where they’ve been. 

He doesn’t want to be seen in public with you. And he doesn’t want to post anything that proves you’re in a relationship online either. This might mean that he wants to hook up with multiple people at once. He doesn’t want someone else to see that you’re a couple and end up losing their chance with them. Or maybe you’re the second partner and they can’t risk posting about you because it would blow up their other relationship. Either way, the right person will want to brag about you. They’ll want you to meet all their family and friends and coworkers. They’ll want the world to know you’re together.