man and woman sitting on black leather couch
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

The Difference Between Them Finding Time For You And Making Time For You


The right person won’t only come around when it’s convenient for them, when they have nothing better to do and they might as well see you. Someone who genuinely loves you will make time for you. They will rearrange their schedule in order to squeeze you in because they can’t stand the thought of going too long without seeing you in person. The right person will go out of their way to show you how much they care because they would never want you to feel neglected or ignored. They would never want you to doubt what you mean to them. They will make it clear that you are a top priority, that you aren’t some backup plan that they resort to when they’re bored and everyone else they know is busy.

There’s a difference between someone finding time for you and making time for you. Anyone could text you at the last second and invite you over as an afterthought. Anyone could ask you to meet them at a time that works for them, even though it’s inconvenient for you. But someone who genuinely cares about seeing you will care about your schedule as well. They will respect your time. They won’t expect you to cancel plans with friends or ask your boss for different hours while they are refusing to do the same. The right person is going to make room in their schedule for you. They are going to meet you halfway because they know how to balance a relationship along with everything else going on in their life.

Everyone is busy. Everyone is swamped with responsibilities and passions and plans. But if someone cares about you enough, they are going to make time for you. They might stay up a little later in order to text you. Or they might use their lunch break to call you instead of watching videos on their phone. Either way, they are showing you that they are willing to put in effort. They are willing to change their plans, even in the slightest way, in order to accommodate you. And you should be doing the same for them. You should both be looking out for each other, making minor sacrifices for each other.

You deserve to date someone who will go out of their way to hang out with you. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they have to drop everything in order to run when you call. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t allowed to have their own life. It simply means that they shouldn’t assume you should run on their schedule. They should understand that you’re busy too, that you have other places to go and people to see. They shouldn’t expect you to keep your schedule clear so that you’re able to drive over when they find a spare second of time they can spend on you. They should care about you enough to clear aside space for you, to make room for you in their world.