6 Deep, Psychological Reasons You Hate Being Single
Nina Mercado

6 Signs They Lied About Being Single (And Are Cheating With You)


You want to believe that the person you’ve been seeing is a good match – but there’s a chance you aren’t the only person they’re seeing. You might be the person that they’re cheating with even though you don’t realize it. Here are a few signs that they’ve lied to you about being single:

They never want to be seen with you in public. They only hang out with you at your place, where no one else can see the two of you together. They never post about you on social media – and never publicly comment on your posts. They never invite you out with their friends, either. They only hang out with you one-on-one because they don’t want the rest of the world to know about your connection. They’re trying to keep your relationship a secret.

They only talk to you at strange hours of the night. Their schedule is too packed to see you on a regular basis, and they can never explain exactly what they’re doing or where they are at any given time. They’re hiding huge portions of their life from you because they don’t want you to realize that they’re seeing someone else who is taking up most of their time. They don’t want you to catch onto the fact that they’re lying to two people at once.

They’re sketchy with their phone. They don’t want you to see any names that pop onto their screen, so they never leave their phone alone in the room with you. And when they talk to you over the phone, they’re usually whispering for some strange reason.

They refuse to add you on social media. They delete you or block you so that you can’t see their posts because they’re hiding something. They don’t want you to see the life that they have without you. They don’t want you to know that you’re actually the other partner and that they’ve been stringing you along. If they had nothing to hide, then they would have no problem adding you to the same social media accounts that hundreds of other people are following, so their secrecy must mean something.

They’re vague when talking about their love life. Especially when they’re talking about one person in particular. They might talk about this person like they’re an ex or like they’ve been in an on-and-off relationship over the years, but it seems like there’s more to the story that they’re not telling you. No matter how many questions you ask, they never give you the full details on this person because they don’t want you to know their real relationship. They don’t want you to know that they’re secretly dating someone else.

They hide personal details from you. They won’t tell you their last name or their address or where they work during the week. They have been keeping secrets about themselves because they don’t want you to be able to track down their partner and blab about what has been going on between the two of you. They don’t want you to know that they’ve been lying this whole time.