If They Don’t Text Back, They’re Not Worth The Trouble

Maybe they have a busy life. Maybe there are other things on their mind. Maybe they are swamped with responsibilities that are bigger than you and them. But it doesn’t take that long to pick up the phone and send a text back. Especially when they know you’re waiting for them. When they know you’re sitting there, staring at your screen, hoping for a response. When they know the power is in their hands, and that their silence is speaking just as loudly as a text would.
Unless they’re horrible with technology and admit that they’re not the texting type, ignoring your messages means that they aren’t able to do the bare minimum for you. They aren’t able to meet your most basic expectations. They aren’t able to prove that they care about you enough to take a few minutes out of their day to acknowledge your existence.
It’s not like you’re asking for much. You only want to have a quick conversation with them because you care about them. Because you can’t stand the idea of going a week without hearing from them. But if they’re always ignoring you, and don’t have a reasonable explanation about why, what are you supposed to think? Even if their words are claiming that they care, their actions are claiming that their feelings aren’t as strong as yours. That they’re okay living life without you. That you’re only a side character in their story, not their main love interest.
Even though complaining about your crush ignoring a text might feel silly, it’s an indication of how they’re going to treat you in the future. If they don’t care about how many messages you send, if they leave you on read while they’re posting on other social media platforms, then they clearly couldn’t care less about your feelings. They have clearly prioritized other people before you – and if you want to date this person, you should be high on their list of priorities. Yes, they are going to have other people who are important to them. Yes, they are going to have other responsibilities to handle. But that doesn’t mean you should feel completely ignored one-hundred percent of the time.
If they can’t send a simple text when they know you’re waiting for an answer, then they’re not worth your trouble. Think about how much effort a healthy, stable relationship requires. If they aren’t able to set aside enough time to send a text, they aren’t going to set aside enough time for a phone call. Or a date. Or a weekend away with you. If they aren’t able to meet your smallest expectations, then they aren’t going to be able to meet the bigger, more important ones.
If they make a habit out of ignoring your texts, leaving you waiting and wondering whether you’ve done something wrong or whether they’ve moved onto someone new, then you don’t need to answer the next time they reach out to you. You don’t need to keep texting someone who isn’t showing the same level of interest as you. There are plenty of people out there who will jump for their phone when they see your name on the screen, who will stay up until midnight chatting with you, who would never leave you waiting in person or over the phone.