Don’t Waste Your Energy On Someone Who Ghosted


Don’t waste your energy on someone who ghosted you. Don’t settle for someone who isn’t able to do the bare minimum for you. Don’t sit around hoping that they’re going to change their tune and treat you better next time. Accept that they aren’t right for you and try to move on because you deserve better. You don’t deserve to sit around, waiting and wondering whether they’re going to get back to you. You don’t deserve to feel like a backup plan or second best. This person shouldn’t get to pick and choose when they want your attention and when they want to act like you’re invisible. They should be consistent with the way they treat you. Only treating you well half the time isn’t good enough.

Even if someone who ghosts you comes back, you don’t have to give them another chance to hurt you. You don’t have to allow them back into your heart. You can decide that things were better off when you were apart. You can be the person who walks away this time. You can set the rules of your relationship.

Remember, you deserve better than someone who leaves without a word. Someone who makes you wonder what you’ve done wrong, even though you’ve only treated them with kindness and respect in the past. You deserve better than someone who makes you question your worth when you look in the mirror, someone who makes you doubt your own greatness. Hold out for someone who makes you feel special, who answers every text, who makes you a priority one-hundred percent of the time, not only when they’re bored and are in the mood to acknowledge your existence again.

If they come back after ghosting you, the least they can do is give you a good reason. If they act like nothing has changed since the last time you’ve spoken, and don’t even give you an apology or an explanation about where the hell they’ve been, then they don’t deserve you.

You shouldn’t have to sit around for months, waiting for this person to get back to you. You shouldn’t feel like all your texts are going to be ignored because they will only continue conversations they started. Your relationship should be a two-way street. There should be give and take. If they’re always the one ignoring you, then expect you to come running whenever they pop back into your life, they aren’t what you need. You need someone who is reliable. Someone who is mature. Someone who isn’t going to leave you awake at night, running a million unanswered questions through your mind.

Don’t settle for someone who ghosted you and came crawling back because they shouldn’t have needed time away from you to realize what a catch you are. They shouldn’t have needed a push to treat you right. You deserve someone who sees how wonderful you are without needing you to spell it out for them. You deserve someone who understands how lucky they are to have you in their world from day one.