Why You Should Date Someone Whose Love Language Is Quality Time
If their love language is quality time, they’re going to value every single moment spent with you. They aren’t going to be staring at their phone and scrolling through social media when they’re supposed to be on a romantic date with you. They aren’t going to be glancing at the clock, counting down the seconds until they need to work or catch their favorite show. They are always going to be present, enjoying the moment they’re in without worrying about what comes next. They’re going to listen to every word that comes out of your lips. They’re going to pay close attention to what you say because they want to get to know you on a deeper level. They would never dream of nodding along while zoning out, or making you feel like you’re being ignored.
If their love language is quality time, they are going to be there for you, no matter what. They will be a rock, a consistent, a person who stands by you through your good times and bad. They won’t come up with an excuse to bail on you when you need help with chores or have to go for a grocery run. They will be happy to spend time with you, even when you’re doing mundane tasks. They will be able to make memories out of the little things you do together, the things that most other people take for granted.
If their love language is quality time, they will always set aside time for you, even if they have to rearrange their entire schedule to pencil you in. You will never feel ignored because they will answer every text. They will show up for every celebration. They will include you in every major milestone. This person will never leave you hanging because the least they can do is be there for you. They will make sure that you never feel alone as long as you’re in a relationship with them.
If their love language is quality time, they will want to share their hobbies, hopes, and dreams with you. They will want to watch your favorite shows and read your favorite books. They will put effort into getting to know you better because they care about getting to know the real you. They will always be willing to do the things that you want to do if it means spending more time with you. If it means getting a little more insight into your world.
If their love language is quality time, they will want to see every single side of you. The good and the bad. The fun and the grumpy. They won’t get in the way when you have a project you need to work on or emails you need to send out because being in the same room with you is enough. They could be sitting on the opposite end of the couch, reading while you work on your computer and they’ll still be happy knowing you’re there. Knowing you aren’t going anywhere.
If their love language is quality time, you are always going to feel loved because they are always going to be there for you, no matter what you’re facing.