Why You Should Date Someone Whose Love Language Is Acts Of Service
If their love language is acts of service, they’re going to help you out with your chores whenever you’re stressed. You won’t even need to ask them to pick up your slack because they will volunteer on their own. They’ll notice that you’re struggling and they will go out of their way to help you with the dishes and laundry so you have less on your plate. They won’t even expect a thank you. They’re simply helping you out of the kindness of their heart, not because they want anything in return.
If their love language is acts of service, you’ll always feel like the relationship is equal. You’ll never feel like the relationship is unbalanced, like you’re doing the bulk of the work, like you are getting taken advantage of by your partner. Your person is going to do their fair share of the chores. They are going to give you their most valuable asset — their time. They will make room in their schedule to help you out, even when it’s inconvenient. They will always show up, no matter what they need to do to get there.
If their love language is acts of service, their actions will back up their words. They won’t make promises that they’re unable to keep. They won’t disappoint you or get your hopes up when they know they can’t follow through. They might not utter those three little words every single day, but they will go out of their way to do kind things for you. They will help make your workload lighter and make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
If their love language is acts of service, they will be there for you during your toughest times. They will help you solve problems and come up with solutions when you aren’t sure what move to make next. These people are fixers and go-getters. They aren’t going to run the other way when shit hits the fan. They’re going to be there for you whenever you need them. They’ll be a source of strength when you’re feeling weak.
If their love language is acts of service, they are going to act thoughtful and considerate at all times. They won’t borrow your car without filling up the tank. They won’t grab groceries without bringing home something special for you to snack on. If they see something that needs fixing in the house, they’ll take it upon themselves to fix it. They’ll go out of their way without you needing to ask. Before you can bring up the problem, they will already be working towards ways to solve it.
If their love language is acts of service, you will never feel like your partner is using you. You will know that they love you because they will put an immense amount of effort into the relationship. They will go out of their way to do sweet things for you. They will make it clear, with their actions, how serious they are about loving you.