Little Ways Your Boyfriend Wants You To Show Your Love
Actions are as important as words. Even if you vocalize your feelings for your partner every single day, saying sweet words isn’t enough. You need to back up those words with your actions. After all, it’s easy to say what he wants to hear. It’s a lot harder to set aside time to do sweet things for him that show that you care. Here are a few simple ways that your boyfriend wants you to show that you still love him:
Surprise him with fun little treats.
On the way to his place, pick up ice cream or coffee as a surprise. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars in order to prove that you care. The simple fact that you were thinking of him means the world. It’s proof that he’s always on your mind, even when you aren’t with him.
Send him thoughtful messages throughout the day.
You’re not the only one who appreciates good morning texts. Send him a cute message to start his day off right. Or check in on him during lunch to see how he’s been doing during his shift. The more personalized you can make those messages, the better. If you can remember the little things that he tells you and ask him about them, he will know you’re paying close attention when he speaks and are genuinely concerned about his well-being.
Initiate intimate interactions.
Just like you wouldn’t want to be the one sending the first text or planning all the dates, he doesn’t want to be the only one initiating encounters. Grab his hand when you’re sitting on the couch together. Snuggle up close to him at night. Plant a kiss on his lips. Let him know how badly you want him. That way, he won’t feel like you’re only going with the flow and giving him what he wants when it comes to intimacy. You’re reaching out and touching him because it’s what you want.
Include him in random activities throughout the week.
You don’t have to be attached at the hip every second of every day, but if you want him to feel like he’s included in your world, invite him out to the movies with your friends or include him in family dinners. Introduce him to the people who matter the most to you so they can start developing bonds of their own. He’ll know you’re serious about the relationship and about keeping him around for a long time if you include him in activities that are important to you.
Help him out when he’s swamped with work.
You shouldn’t be the only one putting effort into the relationship – and neither should your partner. If they’ve been running around, exhausted, lately then you should help them out in whatever way you can. Volunteer to do the dishes for them or bring their pet to the groomer or pick up groceries. You know what their least favorite chores are, so helping them get things that they’re dreading done is a great way to make them feel loved. Plus, the less that is on their schedule, the more quality time you’ll be able to spend together.