Stay Single Until You Meet A Forever Person That Looks Like This

‘Fast Forwarding’ Will Make You Miss All Their Red Flags


Sometimes, relationships naturally move at a fast pace. Other times, people will purposely rush through the beginning stages of the relationship so you miss their red flags and get attached to them before you can realize that they’re bad for you. You need to make sure that you move at a pace that makes you comfortable instead of getting swept away by romance – or peer pressured by this other person. Here are some signs they are fast forwarding and you might want to slow down a little:

They will tell everyone you’re The One right away.

They will say that they’ve never felt this way before and refer to you as their soulmate or the love of their life, even if you’re only a few days into the relationship. Their intensity will come out around other people too, which will make it hard for you to slow down the relationship without looking like the bad guy. After all, they will tell everyone they know that you’re the one they want to spend the rest of their life alongside, even when you haven’t made it clear whether you feel the same way yet.

They will talk about serious milestones super early.

This person will act like you’ve known each other forever, even when it’s only been a few days. They will be super upfront about their feelings for you, which will feel refreshing at first. But they will want to move at warp speed. There’s nothing wrong with letting you know what they want in the future – but this person will talk to you about getting married and having children ASAP. They will act like they’re ready to settle down with you right this moment and will pressure you to move quickly. They will want to move in together immediately and skip over the early parts of the relationship, essentially fast forwarding to the part where you’re super serious about each other.

They will be emotionally demanding.

Even though you’re still in a relatively new relationship, they will demand every moment of your time. They will make you feel guilty about spending time with your friends over them. They might even complain about your career eating up too much of your attention. This person will want you around every second of the day and will grow frustrated when you take too long to answer messages. Even making them wait five minutes could cause an argument. But they will find a way to make it look like their jealousy is cute instead of toxic, to make you excited about how much they care.

They will perform romantic gestures to distract you from red flags.

This type of person won’t want to answer too many questions about themselves because they will want you to focus on what they can give you. They won’t want you to see the real them until you’re already fully committed to them and have no plans to leave. Until then, they will buy you flowers and jewelry and trips out of town. They will pressure you to move quicker than you’re comfortable moving and if you hesitate, they’ll guilt trip you about all the nice things they’ve done for you.