There's One Key Difference Between Relationships That Last And Ones That Don't

Stay Single Until You Find Someone Who Appreciates Your Effort


Stay single until you find someone who appreciates all the sweet gestures you do throughout the relationship. Someone who says thank you when you pick up the check at a restaurant or volunteer to do the dishes even though it’s their turn. Don’t settle for someone who takes your effort for granted. Date someone who makes you feel seen. Someone who recognizes all the hard work that you do on a daily basis and goes out of their way to show that they appreciate you, whether that’s by surprising you with little presents or showering you with compliments.

Stay single until you find someone who understands how hard you work inside and outside of your relationship. Someone who compliments you on how hard you’ve been working on your career and passions and hobbies. Someone who points out how well you treat your friends and family and pets. Someone who admires the work that you’ve been putting in every single day, the work that the rest of the world fails to notice.

You don’t want to settle for someone who expects you to bend over backwards to please them, even though they won’t lift a finger for you. You don’t want to date someone who has unrealistically high expectations for you while expecting you to keep your expectations low. You should date someone who knows you don’t have to go out of your way to do nice things for them but you do it anyway because you want to make them happy. You should date someone who tries their hardest to match your energy, to give as much as they take so you feel loved and supported, too.

Stay single until you find someone who appreciates all you have to offer – and who never makes you feel bad about the things you’re unable (or unwilling) to give them. You don’t want to settle for someone who pressures you to do favors for them that make you uncomfortable. You don’t want to settle for someone who guilt trips you and manipulates you into getting what they want because they’re never satisfied. Because your best is never good enough for them.

Stay single until you find someone who is always willing to lend a hand. Who will drop anything for you at a moment’s notice. Who isn’t going to sit back and let you suffer when they could do something to help. Hold out for someone who acts like your teammate, who is there whenever you need them just like you’ve been there for them so many times before.

Stay single until you find someone who genuinely appreciates your effort. Who gives you a massage at the end of a long day or surprises you with your favorite bottle of wine. Stay single until you find someone who cares as much as you care and puts in as much effort as you put in instead of doing the bare minimum to keep you around. Stay single until you find someone who makes sure that the relationship stays balanced, that you never feel like your effort is one-sided.

Stay single until you find someone who is worth the effort. Someone who deserves all the love that you have to give.