Why Each Zodiac Is Prone To Toxic Relationships

It’s A Good Thing Your Almost Relationship Didn’t Work

It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because you deserve more. You deserve someone who texts you back every single time, not only when it’s convenient, when they’re bored or lonely or interested in sex. You deserve someone who drops everything to hang out with you, who treats you like an important part of their world. You deserve someone who is consistent, who never gives mixed signals, who makes their feelings for you clear. It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because half of their heart isn’t enough. Half of their attention isn’t enough. Your person shouldn’t pick and choose when you’re important to them. You should be their priority, not a backup plan that they contact when the rest of their plans fall through. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and you deserve to be treated that way. It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because you don’t need to waste your time with someone who is unsure about you. You don’t need to settle for someone who needs convincing that you’re worth their time and attention. You deserve someone who knows you’re special from the start. Someone who is excited to get to know you. Someone who forgets about every other person in the room as soon as you walk into it because you’re the only one they have their eye on. It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because you should never have to question where your person stands. You should never feel insecure or unsure about their feelings. You should never have to run through the conversations you’ve had, trying to figure out where you went wrong because this person dropped off the face of the planet for a few days. Your person should never give you a reason to doubt yourself or doubt their feelings for you. They should be honest with you from the start, even if that means being vulnerable, even if that means sharing their deepest feelings. It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because the stress is over. You don’t have to analyze their texts anymore. You don’t have to wonder whether they are going to ask you out or keep stringing you along anymore. Now that you’re done with them, you can find someone who would never dream of leading you on. Someone who makes their intentions clear from the beginning. It’s a good thing your almost relationship didn’t work out because now you have the opportunity to find someone who fits you better. Someone who is excited to take that next step with you. Someone who doesn’t make you wait for an answer, wait for a text, wait for an actual date. You’re going to find someone who is crazy about you and isn’t afraid to show it. Someone who makes sure you know how they feel because they wouldn’t want to risk losing you.