If They Love You, You Should Not Have To Stress About These 7 Things
You shouldn’t have to stress about them cheating. If they love you, they’ll express that love in a million little ways. They’ll never leave you wondering whether their feelings for you are fading. They’ll never make you question whether they’re still interested in you or have set their sights somewhere new. They’ll stay faithful, and they’ll make sure you know it.
You shouldn’t have to stress about them lying. If they love you, they’ll be honest with you. Even when the conversations are tough, they’ll sit you down and explain everything to you, without leaving out a single detail. You should never have to worry about whether your partner is concealing secrets from you, whether they’re pretending around you, whether they’re only telling you half the story. Your person should be truthful, no matter what.
You shouldn’t have to stress about them bailing. If they love you, they are going to support you through the good times and the bad. You shouldn’t have to worry about whether they’re going to pick up and leave without warning. You shouldn’t have to worry that they’ll get scared away when things get too intense. You should trust that they’re going to keep their promises, that they’re going to be there for you even when times get tough, that they aren’t going anywhere.
You shouldn’t have to stress about them playing their part. If they love you, they’ll make it clear with their actions, not only their words. You shouldn’t be the one stuck with the lion’s share of the work. The cooking and cleaning and rent payments shouldn’t all fall on your shoulders. You should split apart your responsibilities, find a way to balance them so neither of you feels like they’re getting an unfair deal. This person should be putting in just as much effort as you are.
You shouldn’t have to stress about their treatment of you. If they love you, they’ll treat you with respect all of the time. They won’t pick and choose when they give you love and when they withhold it to manipulate you or make you feel bad. This person should make you feel valued all of the time. Even on the days when you’re struggling to get along, you should still feel confident they want what’s best for you. They should still feel like a friend.
You shouldn’t have to stress about their attraction to you. Your person should love you, whether you’re dressed up or down, whether you’re in sweatpants or pajamas. They shouldn’t hold you to some unrealistic standard. They should love the real you, and make you feel beautiful exactly the way you are.
You shouldn’t have to stress about what anyone else thinks. If they love you and you love them, it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. Don’t let anyone pressure you to move at a different pace or take steps you aren’t ready to take. Your relationship is between the two of you. It’s no one else’s business except your own.