Brandon Woelfel

For The Rest Of 2024, Chase After What Your Heart Wants


For the rest of 2024, don’t be shy about expressing your feelings. Life is too short to wonder what would have happened if you opened your mouth and told someone how you feel. If you’ve been crushing on someone, fill them in on your feelings. Let them know that you’re interested in seeing them one-on-one. Don’t let another day go by without letting them know what they mean to you. Even if you end up getting turned down, at least you can start to move on. At least you won’t have to spend another year pining after them, wondering whether they feel the same way. There’s nothing embarrassing about rejection. It means you were brave enough to take a leap. It means you refused to shrink into the background. It means you took your life into your own hands. And who knows, maybe it will work out. Maybe your new love story will begin soon.

For the rest of 2024, be honest about your intentions and expectations. Don’t pretend everything is okay when you’re secretly suffering on the inside. Be forward about what you want and what you cannot stand. Remember, you’re allowed to be loud. You’re allowed to voice your frustrations. You’re allowed to ask for what you want and say no when you’re faced with something you don’t want. Even though you’re used to acting polite and keeping the peace, don’t be afraid of causing a stir. Don’t be so concerned with accidentally hurting other people that you allow them to hurt you. Be vocal about what you want. Fight for what you want.

For the rest of 2024, stop making excuses. Stop putting off your dreams until tomorrow. If you want to pursue a certain path, then start your journey today. Don’t wait until tomorrow or next month or next year. Don’t miss out on another second of the happiness that following your passion will bring you. This doesn’t mean you need to quit your job or move across the country. You don’t have to make a major life change that will disrupt your status quo. You can start small. Take baby steps. But don’t procrastinate any longer. Don’t act like your future isn’t up to you. You’re in control of where you head next. You get to decide whether today is going to be just like yesterday and the day before – or whether you’re going to try something new, something that will thrill you.

For the rest of 2024, don’t let your overthinking convince you to give up on your dreams. Don’t let your doubts overpower your hopes for the future. Even though it’s scary to step into the unknown, it’s worth the effort. You’re going to be so proud of yourself for listening to your heart, for taking a chance on yourself, for believing you have what it takes to live the life you’ve always dreamed of having. You deserve to do something for yourself for a change. You’re always worrying about others, but it’s time to make a decision that benefits yourself. It’s time to work toward the goals that you’ve been daydreaming about for ages. You know what you want. Now go out there and get it.