50 Ways To Win Over A Girl Whose Love Language Is Acts Of Service 

50 Ways To Win Over A Girl Whose Love Language Is ‘Acts Of Service’

1. Make her coffee to drink as soon as she wakes up in the morning.

2. Blast her favorite music when you’re driving in the car together.

3. Buy her a gift certificate for a relaxing spa day.

4. Make romantic weekend plans yourself so she doesn’t have to do the work.

5. Clean the ice off her windshield before she leaves for work.

6. Fill her car with gas whenever you borrow it.

7. Order takeout on the days when she isn’t in the mood to cook.

8. Wash the dishes for her to give her one less thing to do that day.

9. Make her breakfast in bed so she can have a lazy morning.

10. Draw a bubble bath for her — and set out a good book for her to read.

11. Bring her a glass of water (or a glass of wine) while she’s going about her day.

12. Warm up the car when it’s freezing outside.

13. Pick up little thing she needs on your way home from work.

14. Hold open the door for her.

15. Record her favorite shows so she doesn’t miss an episode.

16. Let her choose the movie on date nights.

17. Feed the dog.

18. Walk the dog.

19. Clean the cat litter.

20. Plug in her phone when you notice it needs charging.

21. Cook her favorite meal without waiting for a special occasion.

22. Take out the trash once it starts to get full.

23. Bake her favorite dessert as a surprise snack.

24. Stock the cabinets with her favorite candy.

25. Do the grocery shopping — or at least help her put away the bags when she gets home.

26. Leave out towels and a soft robe for her to use after the shower.

27. Light candles around the room for a romantic atmosphere.

28. Send her flowers when she’s feeling low.

29. Come home with her favorite snacks just because. 

30. Make her bed in the morning.

31. Wear that cologne you know she loves.

32. Mow the lawn without being asked twice.

33. Put the mail in the mailbox when you step outside.

34. Wipe down the counters in the kitchen and bathroom.

35. Organize the fridge.

36. Organize the cabinets.

37.  Stock the bar with her favorite drinks.

38. Pour her cereal in the morning.

39. Shovel snow so she can get to her car without any trouble.

40. Clean out her car and get rid of the trash.

41. Give her a foot rub while you’re sitting on the couch together.

42. Give her a back massage when you’re sitting in bed together.

43. Clean up spills to save her the trouble.

44. Make appointments for her that she’s been dreading.

45. Make her a cup of tea to help her unwind.

46. Give her your last french fry.

47. Fold the laundry.

48. Change the lightbulbs.

49. Wear the outfits she loves to see you in.

50. Let her sleep in while you take care of some of her least favorite chores. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.