In 2020, Don’t Date Anyone Who Won’t Prioritize You 

In 2020, don't date anyone who won't prioritize you. Don't date anyone who makes you fight for their attention. Don't date anyone who makes you feel like you're not good enough for them. Don't date anyone who puts in a significantly smaller effort than you do.  


In 2020, don’t date anyone who won’t prioritize you. Don’t date anyone who makes you fight for their attention. Don’t date anyone who makes you feel like you’re not good enough for them. Don’t date anyone who puts in a significantly smaller effort than you do.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who stares at their phone when you’re in the middle of speaking. Don’t date anyone who leaves you waiting hours for a text that never comes. Don’t date anyone who cancels plans with you at the last second without a raincheck, an excuse, or an apology.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who is only around when it’s convenient for them. Don’t date anyone who only wants to hang out on their terms. Don’t date anyone who expects you to come running as soon as they call, but never returns the favor when you’re the one in need.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who disrespects your time by showing up late or going MIA in the middle of a conversation. Don’t date anyone who takes your attention (and your unrelenting kindness) for granted. Don’t date anyone who treats you more like a backup plan than a partner, a privilege, a priority.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who is unable to set aside time in their schedule for you. Don’t date anyone who keeps telling you they’re dying to see you but never actually acts on those feelings. Don’t date anyone who makes constant excuses about how they’re too busy to hang out– even though their Instagram stories prove they have plenty of time for their friends.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who makes you chase after them without cluing you into whether they want a serious relationship or something casual. Don’t date anyone who treats love like a game where one person has more power. Don’t date anyone who manipulates your feelings in the hopes that you’ll keep running after them while they sit around, doing nothing.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who refuses to pull their weight in the relationship. Don’t date anyone who is too lazy to match your effort. Don’t date anyone who leaves you to plan dates, to come up with conversation topics, to solve problems, to sustain the relationship.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who encourages you to lower your expectations. Don’t date anyone who makes you feel like you’re settling. Don’t date anyone who convinces you you’re not going to do any better so you might as well enjoy whatever you get.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who makes you feel like a burden. Don’t date anyone who makes you feel like you aren’t important enough to text back, to kiss, to call. Don’t date anyone who makes you feel like your emotions are one-sided.

In 2020, don’t waste too much time on the wrong people — because nothing that you do is going to make them change.

In 2020, don’t date anyone who doesn’t deserve you — because it’s better to be single than to chase after the wrong heart.

In 2020, remember your worth — because you deserve so much more than what you’ve been getting. Thought Catalog Logo Mark