2020 Won’t Be Different Than This Year Unless You Make It Different

If you continue to dwell on the past, to chase after hearts who are wrong for you, to allow yourself to be walked over, to surround yourself with the wrong people, to mope about how much you hate your life, 2020 is going to be exactly the same as yesterday.


It’s always nice for you to have high expectations, to tell yourself that the next year — hell, the next decade — is going to be the greatest time of your life. But you have to understand nothing actually changes when the calendar switches from 2019 to 2020.

The only thing that might change is your mindset. And, honestly, that’s all you need.

If you continue to dwell on the past, to chase after hearts who are wrong for you, to allow yourself to be walked over, to surround yourself with the wrong people, to mope about how much you hate your life, 2020 is going to be exactly the same as yesterday. Nothing is going to change. The next ten years are going to be exactly the same as the last few years.

It’s up to you to change the behaviors you aren’t happy with within yourself, to dump the people who are bringing you down, to walk away from the situations that are causing you more stress than happiness, to reinvent yourself and revolutionize your world.

It’s up to you to decide you cannot keep living the way you’ve been living lately. It’s up to you to take risks when it comes to your career, your relationships, and your happiness. It’s up to you to say I deserve more than what I have been getting, I deserve more than what I have been telling myself all these years. 

It’s up to you to start exercising more, start studying more, start traveling more, start socializing more, start dreaming more, start hoping more, start doing more of whatever it is you wish you’ve been doing all along.

It’s up to you to take a look at your surroundings and admit you aren’t exactly happy. It’s up to you to figure out what needs to change, what you need to do in order to inject excitement back into your life again. It’s up to you to find happiness, love, satisfaction, faith, or whatever it is you feel like you’ve been lacking. It’s up to you to make your life feel like a blessing, not a punishment.

It’s up to you to make 2020 the best decade of your life, because if you keep doing the same things you’ve been doing, then nothing is going to change on its own. Nothing is going to get better without your help. Nothing magical is going to happen as soon as the ball drops. There isn’t going to be a change in the air — but there might be a change within you.

You can never let yourself forget you’re in charge of your own destiny. It’s up to you to pave a path for yourself and follow it toward your dreams. If you pour your effort, time, and energy into creating your ideal life, then the next decade is going to treat you well. But if you continue to make the same mistakes in 2020 as you’ve been making throughout this past year, then nothing is going to change. You have to be the change. Thought Catalog Logo Mark