Stop Hiding Your Heart From The Person You Want The Most
Kevin Laminto

Stop Hiding Your Heart From The Person You Want The Most

Playing it safe never works when it comes to love.


Stop hiding your heart from the person you want the most. Stop gushing to your friends about how much you like someone — but leaving the actual person in the dark about your feelings.

If your person has no idea how you feel, then you’re probably not going to end up together. One of you needs to be brave. One of you needs to be vulnerable. One of you needs to make the first move. You can spend months waiting for the other person to take the lead — or you can jump ahead and handle it on your own.

Stop hiding your heart or you might never end up learning how they feel about you. You might end up spending years chasing after each other without realizing that you both felt the same way all along. You might miss out on the chance to build something beautiful together. You might move onto other people based on assumptions.

Stop hiding your heart because your secrets aren’t actually protecting you. If anything, they’re harming you. They’re holding you back from a chance at happiness. Think about it. Are you really happy right now, constantly wondering how they feel, trying to guess whether they’re interested in dating you, feeling your stomach sink whenever you catch them looking at someone else? You could get rid of all those questions if you simply told them how you feel.

Stop hiding your heart because your person probably isn’t picking up on your hints. You might think your feelings are obvious, but your person isn’t a mind reader. They probably aren’t going to realize you’re fidgeting around them because you find them attractive. They probably aren’t going to realize you’re watching all their stories on Instagram because you have strong feelings for them. They probably aren’t going to read into every little thing you do the right way.

Stop hiding your heart because playing it safe never works when it comes to love. The longer you go without telling them how you feel, the longer they have to find someone else who speaks their mind, who makes the first move, who asks them out on a date. You don’t want to miss your opportunity with them, which is why you should stop waiting for the right moment and take a risk. You should put yourself out there. You should see what happens.

If you open yourself up to the person you’ve been daydreaming about dating, there’s a chance they might not respond the way you were hoping. But that’s okay because it means they aren’t the right person for you. If they are the right person for you, then they aren’t going to shy away when you reveal your feelings. They’re going to take two steps closer. They’re going to appreciate how vulnerable you are with your feelings. They’re going to be refreshed by your honesty.

Stop hiding your heart from the person you want the most — because they’re the one who deserves to hear how you’re feeling the most. Thought Catalog Logo Mark