Don’t Let Someone Toxic Walk Right Back Into Your World

You can't lower your standards, just because you're a little lonely.


Don't Let Someone Toxic Walk Right Back Into Your World
Troy Freyee

Don’t let someone toxic back into your world out of guilt. You might feel horrible right now because you cut them out of your world — but think about how horrible you would feel if they were still in your world.

Choosing to walk away from them wasn’t a way for you to make their life miserable. It was a way to make your own life bearable.

It’s not your responsibility to take care of anyone aside from yourself. Your happiness is in your own hands. Your sanity is in your own hands. If you’re better off without this person, then you should stop second guessing whether you made the right choice by walking away from them. They had no problem making you miserable. Now that the tables have turned, why should you care if your absence is making them miserable?

Don’t let someone toxic back into your world because your family and friends are hounding you to make amends with them. Your decision has absolutely nothing to do with them. It might impact them. It might make their life harder if they’re stuck in the middle now. But their discomfort doesn’t matter. Their opinion doesn’t matter. Even if they claim they want what’s best for you, they don’t know the whole story. They don’t know what you went through. They don’t know how much you’ve been struggling. Don’t let their peer pressure get to you. You have to do what you think is best, regardless of whether anyone else approves.

Don’t let someone toxic back into your world because you miss them. There are bound to be days when you have a strong urge to text them. There are bound to be nights when you dream of them and mornings when you wish things could go back to the way they used to be. But you have to remember, missing them doesn’t mean you should reconnect with them. Missing them doesn’t mean they belong in your life. It’s going to take you a long time to get over them, even though they didn’t treat you right. You have to accept that. You have to be ready for that. You can’t lower your standards, just because you’re a little lonely.

Don’t let someone toxic back into your world because you feel like enough time has passed and they’ve paid their dues. Yes, if there’s evidence this person has changed for the better and you truly believe they’re going to treat you differently, then it’s up to you whether you want to give them another chance. But don’t assume everything will be okay, simply because a few years have passed. If they’re still the same person, you’re going to get into the same fights. You’re going to have the same problems. History is going to repeat itself. Nothing is going to change.

Please, don’t let someone toxic back into your world when you know their presence only causes you pain.

Don’t let someone toxic back into your world when it was hard enough to say goodbye the first time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark