Chasing Someone Isn't Worth The Heartache
Priscilla Du Preez

Chasing Someone Isn’t Worth The Heartache

You don't want to deal with unanswered texts and canceled plans and unmet expectations.


Chasing someone isn’t worth the effort. You don’t want to send the first text every single time and plan all the outings and come up with conversation starters whenever the last conversation withers and dies. You don’t want to be the one carrying the relationship on your back. You don’t want your love to be one-sided. You don’t want to feel like this person wouldn’t even bother to keep in touch with you if you weren’t trying so hard to hold their attention.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the self-doubt. You don’t want to wonder whether you’re pretty enough, whether you’re fun enough, whether you’re successful enough, whether you’re young enough. You don’t want this person’s reluctance to date you to impact your self-esteem. You don’t want your confidence to plummet, simply because one person has been unable to see your worth.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the time. You don’t want to wait forever for your phone to chirp with a notification. You don’t want to wait forever for them to become available and ask you out for drinks. You don’t want to wait forever for your flirting to turn into an official relationship. You don’t want to waste valuable time you could be pouring into your passions, into your self-care, or into another relationship that is more balanced, more healthy, more rewarding.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the uncertainty. You don’t want to interpret mixed signals every morning, afternoon, and night. You don’t want to be in a constant state of wondering whether you said the right thing, whether you texted back too soon, whether you’re making progress with them or completely wasting your time trying to get into a serious relationship.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the disappointment. You don’t want to feel your heart break a little more each time this person likes someone else’s pictures or mentions a crush or changes their relationship status. You don’t want to realize you’ve spent so much energy on this one special person, only for them to end up dating someone else. You don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you’re bound to get hurt.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the stress. You don’t want to deal with unanswered texts and canceled plans and unmet expectations. You don’t want to give someone chance after chance after chance when they don’t deserve it. You don’t want to put yourself through unnecessary heartache. You don’t want to settle for someone who would be perfectly fine existing without you.

Chasing someone isn’t worth the potential reward. Even if you end up getting what you want from this person, whether that’s a kiss or a movie date or a relationship, are you sure this person is good enough for you? You probably shouldn’t be with someone you need to beg for attention, someone who wasn’t able to see our worth until you kept hammering away at their walls.

You should probably be with someone who sees your beauty, your talent, and your strength from the start. You should probably be with someone you don’t have to chase. Thought Catalog Logo Mark