Stop spending time with people who make you feel worse about yourself, people who never have anything nice to say about you, people who never compliment you but always save time to criticize you.
Stop spending time with people who lower your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Stop spending time with people who are never happy for you, never celebrate alongside you, never give you any compliments or show their appreciation for you.
Stop spending time with people who are always one-upping your accomplishments — and your failures. Stop spending time with people who always think they have it better (or worse) than you and disregard your feelings because they’re too focused on their own.
Stop spending time with people who tease you over things you’re passionate about, who make you feel like you’re childish or weird for liking the things you like. Stop spending time with people who expect your hobbies and opinions to match their own — otherwise they’re going to throw fits about how wrong you are.
Stop spending time with people who look down on you, who act like they’re better than you, who underestimate how hard you work. Stop spending time with people who brag about how much harder their job is, how much harder their life is, with the sole purpose of making you feel bad about yourself.
Stop spending time with people who talk and talk and talk without taking the time to listen. Stop spending time with people who get pissed off the second you put yourself first, even though they’ve never gone out of their way to help you before, even though you’re always the one giving and they’re always the one taking.
Stop spending time with people who guilt trip you into giving them what they want, people who act like you owe them something, people who convince you you’re a bad friend if you don’t blindly follow everything they say.
Stop spending time with people who are selfish and manipulative, people who couldn’t care less about what you’re going through unless it impacts them in some way. Stop spending time with people who only want you around when they need you and ignore you the rest of the time. Stop spending time with people who believe the world revolves around them.
Stop spending time with people who ruin your good mood, people who bring unnecessary drama into your life, people who you secretly dread seeing because it always ends in some kind of conflict. Stop spending time with people you honestly don’t want to be around anymore.
It doesn’t matter how much history you have with them. It doesn’t matter whether they’re trying to guilt trip you into staying loyal to them. As much as you love certain friends and family members, you shouldn’t keep them around if it means harming your mental health. You shouldn’t keep them around if you feel like you’ve outgrown each other.
Stop spending time with people who deplete your energy, your confidence, and your happiness.