What Happens When A Girl Feels Unappreciated

As soon as she starts to feel that way, you start to lose her.


When a girl feels unappreciated, she’ll start to question her own worth. She’ll wonder why everything she does, all of the effort she puts into your relationship, still doesn’t seem like enough for you. She’ll wonder whether she’s missing something, whether she’s lacking in some way. She’ll wonder what more you want from her, what else you could possibly need.

When a girl feels unappreciated, her eyes will open. She’ll count up all the ways she has helped you and all of the ways you have left her hanging. She’ll start to resent you. She’ll start to get annoyed about how little recognition she gets, how few thank yous she gets, how seldom you actually look her in the eyes and remind her she matters.

When a girl feels unappreciated, she’ll slowly stop doing nice things for you. She’ll slowly stop putting effort into your relationship. She’ll slowly stop going out of her way to spoil you. Since you don’t seem to notice all of the energy she puts into your relationship, she won’t see the point in helping you out anymore. She won’t see the point in trying.

When a girl feels unappreciated, she’s going to wonder whether you need her. She’s going to wonder whether it would even bother you if she walked away. She’s going to wonder why you keep her around — is it because she allows you to get away with doing the minimum amount of effort while she bends over backwards for you? Because that doesn’t seem fair. That doesn’t seem right.

When a girl feels unappreciated, she’ll start to question whether you’re the right person for her. She’ll wonder whether there is someone out there who would treat her better, whether there’s someone out there who would appreciate her hard work.

When a girl feels unappreciated, she feels unloved. She feels unseen. She doesn’t need constant, unending attention from you. She doesn’t need a pat on the back every time she washes a dish or pays for a meal. But when weeks pass without any recognition, it feels like you don’t care. It feels like you’re taking her for granted. It feels like you aren’t aware of everything she has been doing for you.

When a girl feels unappreciated, she’s going to consider a breakup. She’s going to start to play out different scenarios in her head. She’s going to wonder whether she would be better off without you, whether it’s time for her to leave. She’s going to realize she deserves better than someone who cannot even muster up a thank you. She is going to realize it’s unhealthy to stay with someone who thinks she should be doing more when she is already doing everything she can.

If you want to keep her forever, then you need to make her feel appreciated. Send her good morning texts. Call her beautiful. Thank her for the little things she does for you throughout the day. Never let her reach a point where she feels unappreciated — because as soon as she starts to feel that way, you start to lose her. Thought Catalog Logo Mark