The Most Unattractive Thing You Can Do Is Lie To Me

If you lie to me once, I'm going to start questioning your motives, questioning your morals, questioning whether you have any respect for me. 


I don’t care if you’re lying to me because you think it’s for my own good. I don’t care if you’re lying to me because it’s easier than sitting down and explaining a long, elaborate truth. I don’t care if you’re lying to me to save us from an unneeded argument. I don’t care if you’re lying to me to save your own ass.

The reason behind your lie doesn’t make a difference. I want the raw, honest truth. Always.

I want you to be honest with me, even if it hurts my feelings. I want you to be honest with me, even if it makes you look bad. I want you to be honest with me, even if it means we’re going to get into an argument.

You might think you’ll be able to get a lie past me — but if you’re wrong, if I find out you were lying straight to my face, I’m not going to handle it well. I’m going to lose trust in you. I’m going to start questioning every single thing you say to me.

Catching you in even the smallest, stupidest lie will completely change the way I look at you. It will make me wonder whether you have been lying to me about more important things. It will make me wonder whether you deserve a place in my life.

Even though it might not seem like a big deal to lie to me, it’s the most unattractive thing you can do in my eyes. I don’t want you to act like you love my favorite bands in order to impress me. I don’t want you to fib about your exes in order to make me feel better. I don’t want you to dance around the truth in order to avoid drama.

I want to date someone mature enough to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth.

If you have a bad habit of lying, then a relationship with me is not going to work. I’m not going to let you get away with your dishonesty. I’m not going to give you a million chances. I’m not going to continue trusting you after you prove to me you can’t be trusted.

If you lie to me once, I’m going to start questioning your motives, questioning your morals, questioning whether you have any respect for me.

If you lie to me once, my faith in you is going to be shattered. Everything you say is going to sound suspicious to me. I’m going to think twice before confiding in you, before asking for your opinion, before giving you access to my heart.

If you lie to me once, it’s going to put a strain on our relationship. It’s going to make it hard for me to get close to you.

And if you lie to me more than once, you probably won’t be in my world for much longer. You probably won’t get a chance to lie to me ever again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark