You Aren’t Going To Get Better Unless You Put In The Effort

You Aren’t Going To Get Better Unless You Put In The Effort

You aren’t going to get better by following the same routine day after day, by refusing to make changes, by remaining in your comfort zone.

You aren’t going to get any better by pretending you’re fine, by assuming everyone feels as crummy as you feel, by acting like you don’t have any issues that need solving.

You aren’t going to get any better by procrastinating, by telling yourself you’ll call a therapist tomorrow, you’ll join a gym tomorrow, you’ll start taking better care of yourself tomorrow.

You aren’t going to get any better by blaming the world for your problems, by assuming everyone is out to get you, by deciding there is no point in trying because you’re not going to succeed either way.

You aren’t going to get any better by becoming comfortable in your misery, by becoming complacent in your relationships, by refusing to make changes to your bad habits and toxic behaviors.

You aren’t going to get any better by dwelling in your misery, by obsessing over people who have left you behind, by living in the past.

You aren’t going to get any better until you put in the effort, until you put in the hours, until you start making active changes to your world.

You aren’t going to get any better until you reorganize your priorities, rearrange your schedule, and reword the way you talk to yourself.

You aren’t going to get any better until you give yourself permission explore your emotions, to be vulnerable, to feel instead of pushing your emotions deep down your chest and hoping they disappear.

You aren’t going to get any better until you reach out for help, admit you aren’t doing the greatest, admit you could use some extra encouragement.

You aren’t going to get any better until you decide to stop settling, decide to stop being so hard on yourself, decide you are worth more than the BS you have been put through lately. 

You aren’t going to get any better until you forgive yourself for your mistakes, forget about the pain you’ve been through in the past, and focus on making a better future for yourself.

You aren’t going to get any better until you recognize your strengths, recognize your talents, recognize your worth.

You aren’t going to get any better until you stop wasting your friendship on toxic people, stop wasting your heart on one-sided love, and stop wasting time feeling sorry for yourself.

You aren’t going to get any better until you stop focusing on your flaws, stop focusing on your baggage, stop focusing on your tiniest insecurities.

You aren’t going to get any better until you take a step back and realize you have control over your life, you have power over your situation, you don’t have to keep living the same way you’ve been living these past few years.

You aren’t going to get any better until you make your healing process a priority, make your mental health a priority, make yourself a priority. Thought Catalog Logo Mark