When You Love Someone, You Don’t Give Them A Reason To Doubt You

When You Love Someone, You Don’t Give Them A Reason To Doubt You

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you care. You don’t pay more attention to your friends than to them. You don’t take hours to answer their texts. You don’t cancel plans with them at the last second. You don’t ditch them when a better opportunity comes along. You don’t make them feel like a backup plan.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you are  staying faithful. You don’t come home late without an explanation. You don’t cozy up to other women without setting boundaries. You don’t let your eyes wander. You don’t let yourself scroll through dating apps. You don’t give your person a reason to worry about whether they are enough for you.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you are emotionally mature. You don’t roll your eyes when they start talking about their feelings. You don’t leave the room when they cry. You don’t accuse them of acting overemotional. You don’t ask them if they’re on their period. You don’t tune out when they are talking too much. You don’t make them feel bad about opening up to you.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you are serious about spending forever with them. You don’t dodge conversations about the future. You don’t put off introducing them to your parents. You don’t decide to spend the holidays apart. You don’t badmouth marriage and make comments on how forever is only a myth. You don’t make your person feel temporary.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you are telling the truth. You don’t make up excuses when you are caught doing something wrong. You don’t tell them little white lies to keep yourself out of trouble. You don’t have holes drilled into your stories. You don’t give your person a reason to question your authenticity.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt your potential. You don’t become lazy after a few months together. You don’t force them to take care of ninety-nine percent of the chores. You don’t make continuous excuses about why now is not the right time to mow the lawn or wash the car or wash the dishes. You don’t put off the important things until they decide to do the work for you.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you are a good enough partner. You don’t forget anniversaries. You don’t disrespect opinions. You don’t compare them to others. You don’t try take control over them. You don’t think you’re better than them. You don’t make a habit of arguing. You don’t put them through hell. You don’t give them more reasons to leave than to stay.

When you love someone, you don’t give them a reason to doubt whether you love them. You make your feelings clear each and every day. You treat them the way they deserve. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon