In 2019, Put Effort Into Loving Yourself
In 2019, develop a better your relationship with yourself. Stop wishing you looked different. Stop calling yourself stupid. Stop cringing over every misspoken word. Be softer on yourself.
In 2019, do not allow toxic people to infiltrate your world. Do not let allow your guilt to convince you to answer texts and set plans with someone who has hurt you. You do not need their negativity and you have outgrown their immaturity. Do not fool yourself into believing you are the one in the wrong for walking away. Removing yourself from the situation does not make you childish. It makes you strong. If they do not understand that, if they continue to chase you, delete their number. Block them from social media. Extract them from every area of your world because you deserve to live without their weight.
In 2019, put effort into the places that matter. Do not waste your energy worrying about people who could not care less about you. Do not waste your fucks on the wrong issues. Put effort into the relationships that mean the most to you. Put effort into the passions that burn inside you. Set aside time for what means the most to you and forget the rest. The years are sliding by quickly. You might as well make the most of them. Do not take your time for granted.
In 2019, take care of your mental health. Call out from work when you feel yourself spiraling. Replace your alcohol dependence with deep breathing. When you are feeling lost, reach out to someone in your life because they would be happy to listen — and when they do not have the answers you are seeking, go to therapy. Do not allow your emotions to fester. Do not allow your baggage to topple you. Get the help you need. Stop waiting.
In 2019, develop a better your relationship with yourself. Stop wishing you looked different. Stop calling yourself stupid. Stop cringing over every misspoken word. Be softer on yourself. Silence the voice in your mind who harasses you. Limit the amount of time you spend feeling sorry for yourself. Remedy your insecurities by being kinder to yourself, by complimenting yourself, by recognizing your own beauty.
In 2019, show appreciation for the people who value you. Stop moping about crushes who are unable to see your worth and exes who have left you shattered. The next time you feel bad about yourself, glance around at all of the people who are still by your side, all of the people who have been there for you from the start and are not planning on going anywhere. Instead of crying about the people you cannot have, start thanking the ones who are here.
In 2019, leave your comfort zone. Do not get stuck in place. Do not settle for an average existence. Take risks. Leap into the unknown. Remind yourself the scariest things are often the most satisfying in the end. If there is something you want to say or something you want to try, then do not hold yourself back anymore. Make it happen. Push aside your worries and embrace your opportunities.
In 2019, enjoy every moment. Make it a year to remember.