Your Forever Person Will Look Like This

Girl with her forever person
Unsplash / Jacob Postuma

Your forever person will answer your most serious texts with phone calls.

Your forever person will remind you to take your medication when you forget.

Your forever person will never use your side of the bed or take your seat at the kitchen table.

Your forever person will wait to watch certain shows with you instead of binging alone.

Your forever person will buy sweet presents for you (and for your mother) once the holidays roll around.

Your forever person will treat your pets like children, even if they were never a ‘cat’ or ‘dog’ person before they met you.

Your forever person will have your birthdate and anniversary memorized.

Your forever person will invite you along to every wedding and house party.

Your forever person will play your favorite song inside of their car without being asked.

Your forever person will learn the recipe to cook your favorite meal.

Your forever person will remember what kind of dressing you use on salad and condiments you use on hamburgers.

Your forever person will remind you to put on your seatbelt when you’re in the passenger seat.

Your forever person will listen to you tell the same stories they have already heard with a smile on their face.

Your forever person will cover you with blankets when you fall asleep on the couch.

Your forever person will call you by weird nicknames that stemmed from one of your inside jokes.

Your forever person will save pictures of you on their phone that you hate, because they think you look attractive no matter what.

Your forever person will leave water and aspirin on your bedside table when you are bound to wake up with a hangover.

Your forever person will keep the lights off when you’re asleep and they need to find their way to the bathroom.

Your forever person will wake up early to have breakfast with you when your work hours start before theirs do.

Your forever person will give you a taste of the snack they’re eating, even if you claimed you weren’t hungry.

Your forever person will give you their jacket when you are shivering.

Your forever person will offer to drive when you are too tired.

Your forever person will take as many selfies in a row with you as you want.

Your forever person will take your side during arguments and defend you against anyone.

Your forever person will say sorry when they screw up and vow to never do it again.

Your forever person will never give you movie or book spoilers.

Your forever person will notice when you cut your hair or dye it a different color.

Your forever person will finish your food when you can’t empty your plate.

Your forever person will give you pep talks when you feel like giving up.

Your forever person will give you love, respect, and encouragement. Your forever person will make you feel beautiful, intelligent, and valuable. Your forever person will be your best friend in the world — and you will be theirs. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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