When You Matter To Me, I’ll Give You More Chances Than You Deserve
I get attached easily because it's rare for me to get along with other people. Usually, I have nothing to say. Usually, I fake laughs and smiles until I'm alone again and can breathe.

I will let you ignore my texts. I will let you cancel plans. I will let you flirt with other people in front of me. I will let you treat me like shit and I will still come running back.
I will give you a million chances, even if you don’t deserve them. Even if I would be better off walking away from you. Even if you’re hurting me more than you’re uplifting me.
No matter how poorly you treat me, I will stick around. It’s not out of the goodness of my heart. It’s not because I believe in second chances. It’s because I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay. I want you in my world for years to come.
When I want something, I don’t stop until I get it — or until I am 100% certain that there is no chance in hell I’m going to get it.
The worst thing you could ever do to me is send mixed signals, because as long as I think there is a glimmer of hope for us, then I’m not going anywhere. I cling on tightly. I refuse to admit defeat.
I will keep texting you until you ignore me three or four times in a row. Until you make it abundantly clear that you want nothing to do with me, that you have no desire to speak with me and wish I would go away.
I will keep flirting with you until I embarrass myself. Until you explicitly tell me nothing is ever going to happen between us. Until I can see the situation clearly and feel like a complete idiot for chasing after you for so long.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, even though I risk making a fool of myself, because I worry too much about the what ifs. What if you feel the same way but are afraid to admit it? What if you secretly like me as much as I like you? What if I miss out on the greatest relationship of my life by letting you leave? What if, what if, what if.
I don’t want to do too little and lose you. I would rather try too hard and look too clingy.
I get attached easily because it’s rare for me to get along with other people. Usually, I have nothing to say. Usually, I fake laughs and smiles until I’m alone again and can breathe.
I’m not used to finding someone who I’m comfortable around, so if I actually connect with you on a deeper level, I don’t want you to leave. I want to preserve our relationship. I want to do everything possible to keep you in my life.
I don’t give up on people easily because I only let others into my life when I feel like they are worth it — and when they prove to me they are not, I have a hard time dealing with it. I have a difficult time letting go.