A girl anyone would be lucky to date
Unsplash / Vin Stratton

An Open Letter To My Best Friend: Anyone Would Be Lucky To Date You

I don't know how you're still single, because you are a catch.


I don’t know how you’re still single when you’re such a good friend. You’re there for me whenever I need you. You are my shoulder to cry on when I need to mope in my misery — and you are the first person to take me out for drinks when I need a distraction. You are fun. You are thoughtful. You are one of the few people I can always count on. I am confident you would make an amazing girlfriend, because you make the best friend. There is no one better.

I don’t know how you’re still single when you are so fucking funny. You can make a joke out of anything. More than that, you can handle anything. You turn the worst situations into something to laugh about. You have more strength than anyone else I’ve met. You have been through some bullshit, but you have survived it all. You have come out even stronger. You never let your bad days get you down for long.

I don’t know how you’re still single when you look that good. I know you have your insecurities, but you are attractive inside and out. You always look like you’ve just stepped off the runway, even when you’re complaining about how you can’t get your bangs right. You are killing the game — and I hope you know that.

I don’t know how you’re still single, because you are a catch. Anyone would be lucky to have you, and that’s not just a cliche, that’s the honest to goodness truth. Anyone who rejects you is a moron. Anyone who breaks your heart is blind.

I don’t know why you’re still single — but it’s probably because you have actual standards. Because you aren’t going to date someone just for the sake of dating them. Because, even though you sometimes say that you hate yourself, you still practice self-love. You still do what is best for yourself.

I don’t know why you’re still single — but it’s probably because you have better things to do than focus all of your energy on love. You are working hard. You are bringing home money. You are going to make something of yourself. One day, you are going to consider yourself successful. I already do.

I don’t know why you’re still single — but I’m glad that you haven’t lowered your standards for love. I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about you getting into a bad situation, because I know that you will hold out for someone special. I know that you will only give someone your attention if they have earned it.

I don’t know why you’re still single — but it doesn’t really matter, because you don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. You don’t need a boyfriend to feel loved. Screw that. I love you. Everyone who has ever met you loves you.

You are proof that relationships aren’t everything, because you are perfectly fine on your own. You are strong. You are independent. You are a fucking queen. And don’t you dare forget that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark