Unsplash / Anna Lanier

You Are Going To Love Again

He is not the last guy who is going to flirt with you. Who is going to hold you close to cuddle and plan out exciting dates and tell you how much he misses you when you aren’t around.


Unsplash / Anna Lanier

He is not the last guy who is going to text you. Who is going to wake you up with mushy messages in the morning and send you to sleep with raunchy words at night.

He is not the last guy who is going to call you pretty. Who is going to like all of your Instagram photos and notice when you get a new haircut. 

He is not the last guy who is going to give you attention. Who is going to ask about your day, buy you presents on your birthday, and calm you down when you cry.

He is not the last guy who is going to flirt with you. Who is going to hold you close to cuddle and plan out exciting dates and tell you how much he misses you when you aren’t around. 

He is not the last guy who is going to make you feel butterflies. Who is going to make you daydream about the future, about wearing a white dress while he stands at the end of the aisle in his newest suit.

He is not the last guy who is going to make you feel special. He is not the last guy you are ever going to love.

You are going to love again. It might not happen for a few months or even for a few years, but it will happen.

You know why? Because he is not the only boy in the world. He is not the only boy with the potential to make you smile, with the ability to help you reach happiness.  

He’s not the only boy who is going to look at you like he’s never seen a more beautiful soul. Like he wants to spend the rest of eternity alongside you.

By now, you’re probably sick of hearing that there are other fish in the sea, but it’s the truth. Think about how many boys you pass when you walk through the mall, when you spend the day at the beach, when you swipe around on Tinder.

Boys are everywhere. And a lot of them are single, too. A lot of them are looking at you, too.

You just have to keep your heart open and give the right ones a chance, because not every relationship will turn out like your last one did. Not everyone will break you apart like your ex did. 

One day, you are going to realize that you’re better off without him. One day, you are going to love again, because he’s not the only boy in the world. He’s not the only boy for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly Riordan is the author of
Severe(d), A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Order your copy here.