Date Someone You Can Take To The Beach
Date someone who will kiss you in the ocean, even if your lips taste like salt water.

Date someone who will take cute picture of you while you’re splashing around in the ocean. Someone who will agree to pose with you for even more pictures, where you’re kissing or held high in his arms.
Date someone who will lather sunscreen onto your back — not just as an excuse to touch you, but because he wants to make sure your skin is protected, that you don’t end up suffering from sunburn for weeks.
Date someone who will hold your hand as you leave footprints through the sand. Someone who will walk with you and talk with you for hours, because you have a million things to say.
Date someone who will call you cute, even when you feel self-conscious about how much your bathing suit is riding up or how much skin you are exposing. Someone who thinks you’re the most gorgeous girl on the beach.
Date someone you feel beautiful around, even if your hair is soaking wet, even if all of your makeup gets washed away. Someone who you’re okay with looking natural around.
Date someone who will pack a cooler for a picnic on the beach. Someone who will help you make sandwiches the night before and will pick up your favorite fruit from the store, because he knows how much you love the taste.
Date someone who will make you feel like a kid again. Someone who will help you build a sandcastle and collect shells from the sand. Someone who will fly a kite with you and play tag along the beach.
Date someone who will get a group together to play frisbee or volleyball. Someone who will include your friends in the evening, because he knows how much you care about them and wants to get to know them better.
Date someone who is comfortable sitting in silence, sunbathing on towels as you read a book or sip from a margarita. Someone who doesn’t have to be constantly moving around in order to enjoy himself.
Date someone who will kiss you in the ocean, even if your lips taste like salt water. Someone who will hold you close on the sand, even when you are dripping wet.
Date someone who will walk around the boardwalk with you and take you to lunch. Someone who will buy you extra fries, even if you swear you aren’t hungry for them.
Date someone who isn’t shy about holding your hand or grabbing your waist. Someone who will write I love you in the sand and let everyone know you two are together.
Date someone who will watch the sun rise and set with you. Someone who will hop in the shower with you when you get back home to wash away the sand. Someone who doesn’t want to leave you, even when the day is over.
Date someone who will make this the best summer of your life. Someone you know will still be there next season, and the season after that.