This Is What Makes You Want To Kiss Someone, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: You want to kiss the kind of person who uses any excuse to touch you. Who hugs you for a little too long. Who grabs your hand and dances with you, even when there isn't any music playing.

Aries: March 21st – April 19th
You want to kiss the kind of person who uses any excuse to touch you. Who hugs you for a little too long. Who grabs your hand and dances with you, even when there isn’t any music playing.
Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
You want to kiss the kind of person who asks you about your day. Who remembers the little things about you. Who keeps all of your secrets. Who makes you feel important, like you actually matter.
Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
You want to kiss the kind of person who makes you laugh, even when you’re upset. Who stays by your side, even when you’re in a nasty mood. Who never runs away, even when you try to push them away.
Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
You want to kiss the kind of person who sends you good morning texts. Who remembers your birthday. Who gives you thoughtful gifts. Who makes you feel loved.
Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
You want to kiss the kind of person who chases after you. Who compliments you. Who takes pictures with you and posts them online. Who makes you feel attractive.
Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
You want to kiss the kind of person who gradually shows you that they are someone you can count on. Someone reliable. Someone trustworthy. Someone who keeps their promises.
Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
You want to kiss the kind of person who takes things slow and is gentle with you. Who pushes your hair back. Who holds your hand. Who kisses your cheek.
Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
You want to kiss the kind of person who is playful. Who teases you about your new haircut and the way that you pronounce certain words. Who acts like a little kid on the playground with a crush.
Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
You want to kiss the kind of person who plays hard to get. Who keeps their distance. Who waits for you to send the first text and make the first move.
Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
You want to kiss the kind of person who talks to you about the world. Who can hold an intellectual conversation. Who gets impressed by all your knowledge and keeps telling you how smart you are.
Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
You want to kiss the kind of person who never acts like you’re stupid for dreaming big. Who encourages you to follow your passion — and loves to hear you talk about that passion. Who honestly believes in your abilities.
Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
You want to kiss the kind of person who tells stupid puns. Who sends dumb memes. Who takes silly selfies. Who makes you laugh without having to say a word.