She Only Seems Clingy Because She Likes You So Much

Instead of being turned off whenever she sends the first text or tries to make plans with you over the weekend, you should really take it as a compliment.


If she texts back too quickly or asks to meet up too many times, she’s labeled as clingy. Psycho. Desperate.

But she’s just being authentic. She’s just being honest about her feelings instead of acting like the cool girl, the girl who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. 

If she didn’t care about you, then she would never even think about sending a double text. She wouldn’t toss heart emojis into her messages. She wouldn’t try so hard to capture your attention.

So instead of being turned off whenever she sends the first text or tries to make plans with you over the weekend, you should really take it as a compliment.

She doesn’t put in that much effort for everyone. She only does it when she really likes someone, when she has high hopes that they’ll become a permanent part of her life.

She’s not trying to suffocate you. She doesn’t expect you to drop everything to hang out with her or text her back when you’re busy at work. She just wants to be a part of your world. Not the only part. Just an important part.

She only seems clingy, because she cares. Because she doesn’t hide her emotions like everyone else does.

Because she actually admits how she’s feeling instead of lying about it, instead of pretending that she’s fine when she’s not, instead of acting like she doesn’t give a fuck when something is actually killing her.

Twenty20 / dashapats

All of the reasons why you’re complaining about her and calling her clingy are actually all of the things that make her worth dating.

Since when did it become a bad thing to care about someone else?

Seriously, what’s so bad about a girl who always asks you about your day? Who texts back quickly? Who wants to hang out with you during her free time?

Would you rather have her ignore your texts? Tell you she’s too busy to see you? Disappear from your life without a goodbye?

She’s only paying attention to you, because she likes you and wants to give you the attention that she believes you deserve. She wants to make you feel wanted. 

She isn’t interested in playing hard to get, because she doesn’t want to be stuck in the pre-dating phase. She wants something real with you. She wants an actual relationship, because she can imagine you two going somewhere.

She doesn’t see the point in sending mixed signals, in playing games, in making you guess what she wants from you. She’s trying to do you a favor by being blunt.

So you can keep complaining about her being clingy — or you can be thankful that you have a girl in your life who actually gives a shit about you. Who is going to be there for you, no matter what, no questions asked.

Remember, she only seems clingy, because she likes you. Because she’s willing to set aside time to treat you right. Because she isn’t afraid of her own feelings. Thought Catalog Logo Mark