I Know You Miss Him, But You Shouldn’t Let Him Back In Your Life

Don't let him back in your life, even though you feel like that song you heard or the fact that you ran into him is a sign that you should talk to him again.


God & Man

Don’t let him back in your life, even though you keep checking his social media to see if he changed his profile picture or updated his relationship status.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though you’ve been daydreaming about what would happen if you did, even though you’ve been writing out texts and deleting them.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though you feel like that song you heard or the fact that you ran into him is a sign that you should talk to him again.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though his name keeps slipping out of your mouth whenever your friends talk about boys. Even though you can’t fall asleep without picturing his face first.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though there aren’t any other guys that you’re interested in, even though he was the last person that made your heart shiver and your breathing heavy.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though he might have changed by now, he might be missing you as much as you miss him. Even though it might be different this time around.

Don’t let him back in your life, even though you’re dying to do it. Even though the temptation is slowly killing you and you’re not sure how much longer you can take it.

Don’t let him back in your life, because he treated you like shit. He didn’t see your value the first time around, so why should you give him a second chance? Why should you give him the opportunity to screw you over all over again?

Don’t let him back in your life, because you deserve someone that makes you feel beautiful, not someone that makes you question yourself. You deserve someone that reminds you of your worth, not someone that makes you doubt it.

Don’t let him back in your life, because if he really wanted to be with you, he would do something to make that happen. You wouldn’t be the one reaching out to him. He would text you. Call you. Show up at your front door with roses. He would do anything he could to prove that he cared.

Don’t let him back in your life, because there are a million other boys out there that could make your heart flutter the way he does. Because you’re worthy of overflowing love, not half-love. Because you deserve someone that never leaves your life in the first place.

Don’t let him back in your life, because you can tell that it’s going to end just as brutally the second time around. Because you remember how hard it was to lose him once and you just know that going through the same pain again would drive you insane.

Don’t let him back in your life, because it’s not where he belongs. Not anymore.

Don’t let him back in your life, because he’s long gone — and it’s time for you to officially move on. Thought Catalog Logo Mark